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词汇 战役
例句 He would sometimes relive the battle in his dreams.他有时会在梦中重温那次战役The group reenacted a famous American Civil War battle.这个演出团体再现了美国南北战争中一场著名战役It was an important battle for the navy.这是海军的一场重要战役His analysis of the battle was very astute.他对这场战役的分析极为敏锐。He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought.他凝望着那片漆黑的空旷之地,那次战役就是在这里进行的。The battle has become part of national myth.这场战役已成为民族神话的一部分。The Somme was the bloodiest battle of the First World War.索姆河战役是第一次世界大战中最为血腥的一场战斗。The English were decisively defeated by the rebels in the battle that followed.英格兰人在之后的那场战役中被叛军打得惨败。The earlier tellings of the story have concentrated on the battle.早期讲这一故事的时候总是集中讲那场战役Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.赢得战争靠战略,打赢战役靠战术。The fighting along the border may be a preamble to war.边界地带的战役也许只是战争的前奏。Tanks were deployed effectively during the long campaign.在这场旷日持久的战役中坦克部队得到了有效的部署。The newspaper was idolatrous of the generals who commanded the campaign.那份报纸极度吹捧指挥这次战役的将军们。The squadron was getting ready for the coming battle.中队正在为即将到来的战役做好准备。The battle was won by brain rather than brawn.这场战役是以智取胜,靠的不是蛮劲。The city largely escaped bombing in the campaign.这次战役中,该市几乎未遭轰炸。The government has described the battle as a glorious victory.政府将这场战役描述为辉煌的胜利。This battle could very well decide the war.这场战役很可能会决定战争的结局。He believed, with justice, that it was possible to win the battle.他有充分的理由坚信这场战役是能打赢的。That was the campaign's defining moment. 那是此次战役的决定性时刻。That two-day conflict has become one of the most famous battles in history.那场持续了两天的战斗已成为史上最著名的战役之一。The battle was immortalized in a famous poem.一首名诗让这场战役名垂千古。The next battle signalled a major turning point in the conflict.接下来的一场战役标志着这次冲突的一个重要转折点。The artillery blazed without a pause throughout the battle.整场战役中大炮一刻不停地在射击。This campaign is a well thought-out action.这次战役是周密考虑后采取的行动。The campaign would be short and relatively bloodless.这场战役应该是速战速决,基本没什么伤亡。The campaign to seize the city was a failure.攻占这个城市的战役失败了。During the battle the allies suffered/sustained/took/experienced heavy losses.盟军在那场战役中伤亡惨重。He met his end at the Battle of Little Big Horn.他在小大角河战役中身亡。They won the battle, only to lose the war. 他们赢得了这场战役,却输掉了整个战争。This victory was the turning point of the campaign.这场胜利是整个战役的转折点。The general disposed his men for the battle.将军为战役部署好军队。More than a hundred years have come and gone since the day of that famous battle.那场著名战役至今已一百多年了。The leaders anxiously watched the battle unfold.领袖们焦急地关注着战役逐步展开。The campaign culminated in the capture of Rome.这场战役的高潮是攻陷罗马。The battle ended in a humiliating defeat.这场战役以耻辱的失败告终。Accounts of this series of battles have often been prettified.有关这一系列战役的报道常被人们美化。Napoleon's army was sacrificed on the altar of folly in the disastrous Russian campaign.在灾难性的俄国战役中,拿破仑的军队成了这一愚蠢之举的牺牲品。But there will be a second battle and a third battle, and battles to the end of time.但是还会有第二次、第三次战役,永无休止地打下去。 The strain of a violent ground campaign will exact a toll on troops.激烈的地面战役带来的紧张压力将让军队付出代价。




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