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词汇 勒令
例句 The attacker was ordered to hand over his weapon.袭击者被勒令交出武器。He's been suspended.他已被勒令休学。The referee ordered the player off the pitch.裁判勒令那位选手离开赛场。They were ordered to surrender their weapons to the police.他们被勒令将武器交给警方。The principal suspended the student from school for fighting.校长勒令打架学生停学。Refugees who reach the border may be turned back.到达边境的难民可能会被勒令折返。Magistrates ordered his dog Samson to be put down immediately.治安官们勒令立即将他的狗萨姆森杀掉。His record shows several suspensions from school.他的记录上显示有几次被勒令停学。We both got suspended for fighting.我俩因打架双双被勒令停学。The Police Department has suspended six officers from duty while they investigate claims of fraud and corruption.警察局已勒令六名警员停职以调查他们是否有欺诈腐败的行为。They were ordered to desist from using the symbol as a logo.他们被勒令停止使用那个符号作为标识。The governor keeps making outrageous statements, forcing his staff to spend most of their time doing damage control.州长不断发表言辞激烈的讲话,勒令下属竭尽全力将损失减到最低。The owners were ordered to liquidate.业主被勒令变卖资产。Suspects were made to stand spread-eagled against walls until they were exhausted.犯罪嫌疑人被勒令张开四肢靠墙站着直到筋疲力尽。They have been ordered to surrender their passports.他们被勒令出示护照。Julie was suspended from her job shortly after the incident.事发后不久,朱莉就被勒令停职了。MPs have been ordered to tone down their criticisms of government policy in the run-up to the election.下院议员已被勒令在竞选阶段对政府政策提出批评时调子要缓和一些。He's been suspended from his duties.他已被勒令停职。The accused was ordered to stand trial on a number of charges.勒令被告为数项指控受审。The soldiers were ordered to appear before a disciplinary council on charges of negligence.士兵们被控玩忽职守,被勒令接受纪律委员会的审查。The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.由于老鼠泛滥成灾,该旅馆被勒令关闭。The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country.政府已经宣布法国大使为不受欢迎的人,勒令其离境。The school board agreed to suspend Linda Cole for the remainder of the school year.校董会一致同意勒令琳达·科尔于本学年余下时间内停学。They were ordered to evacuate the building.他们被勒令搬出那幢大楼。The police demanded that the rioters disperse immediately.警察勒令闹事者立即散开。He was ordered to make restitution to the victim.他被勒令向受害者做出赔偿。The company president issued a diktat that employees may not wear jeans to work.公司总裁勒令员工不得穿牛仔服上班。Another opposition newspaper was suspended for three months in a court judgement on Thursday.星期四的一次法庭判决勒令另一份反对党报纸停刊三个月。All foreign journalists have been ordered out of the country.所有外国记者都已被勒令离境。The government forced the closure of the factory.政府勒令关闭那家工厂。




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