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词汇 勉强通过
例句 Both my brothers have university degrees. I just scraped through a couple of A-levels.我的两个兄弟都有大学学位。而我只是勉强通过了几门高级程度考试。He passed the exam by a narrow margin.勉强通过考试。Two others made it by the skin of their teeth.另外两人勉强通过He's doing very well in his history classes, but he's barely getting by in math.他的历史课成绩很好,但数学成绩勉强通过Brazil only scraped through the qualifying rounds.巴西队勉强通过了资格赛。I stalled the car twice during my driving test but still managed to pass.我在驾驶考试时两次把车弄熄火,不过还是勉强通过了考试。I just scraped through a couple of A-levels.勉强通过了几门课的中学毕业考试。He just managed to scrape through the entrance exam.他只是勉强通过了入学考试。She only passed the test by the skin of her teeth. 勉强通过了考试。I managed to scrape through the exam.勉强通过了考试。The boy just scraped through his exams.这孩子勉强通过了考试。Daniel scraped through the entrance exam.丹尼尔勉强通过了入学考试。He didn't study for the exam and just barely scraped by. 他没有复习就参加了考试,勉强通过John just managed to pass the exam.约翰勉强通过了考试。He shaved through the math exam.勉强通过了数学考试。The truck scarcely made it underneath the low bridge.卡车勉强通过了那座矮桥。Dick squeaked by the finals.迪克勉强通过了期终考试。We squeezed through a narrow passage between the rocks.我们从岩石间狭窄的通道勉强通过The bill squeaked through the Senate. 这项议案在参议院勉强通过I scraped through my exams with marks just good enough to keep my place in the school of pharmacy.勉强通过了考试,成绩刚够我继续留在药剂系里。The Kansas State House narrowly passed the legislation last year.去年堪萨斯州众议院勉强通过了这项立法。The House narrowly passed the education reform bill.众议院勉强通过了教育改革法案。He scraped through by one mark.他以超出一分的成绩勉强通过Oliver squeaked through the French examination.奥利佛勉强通过了法语考试。He managed to scrape through his final exams.勉强通过了期末考试。




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