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词汇 公交车
例句 The bus was stopped and silence fell on the passengers as the police checked identity cards.公交车被拦住了,警察检查身份证时,乘客们鸦雀无声。The termination of the bus service was a severe blow to many villagers.公交车停驶对许多村民来说是一个严重打击。The bus was crawling along in the slow lane.公交车正在慢车道上缓慢行进。Crash victims are calling for the dismissal of the bus driver.撞车事故受害者要求解雇公交车司机。The bus slowed to a halt and they jumped on.公交车慢慢停了下来,他们迅速上了车。When the bus reached High Holborn, Tony rang the bell and they jumped off together.公交车到达海霍尔本站时,托尼摇响了铃,他们一起跳下了车。Local buses run regularly to and from the campus.当地有定时往返校园的公交车They refused to accept women as bus drivers.他们拒绝录用妇女来当公交车司机。It's a ten-minute bus ride to work.上班坐公交车需要十分钟。It's most unlikely she'll miss the bus and, in any case, she's got enough money for a taxi.她不大可能会错过公交车。而且不管怎样,她有足够的钱去坐出租车。Too bad if you missed the bus.你没有赶上公交车只能算自己倒霉。She waited in the bus queue.她排队等候公交车There are extra buses at peak times.高峰时间公交车有加车。Take a bus to the end of the metro line.公交车到达地铁终点站。We took a bus to the northern tip of the island.我们乘公交车到了岛的北端。I caught a bus into town.我赶上了一辆去市中心的公交车I missed the last bus and had to walk.我错过了最后一班公交车,只好步行。The bus goes past our house.公交车经过我们的房子。Since the recent improvements to the service, the buses are running like clockwork.最近,自从改进服务后,公交车运行得非常准时。She lives just a short bus ride from school.她住的地方从学校乘公交车就几站地。The bus service is free in the evenings and at weekends.公交车在晚上和周末免票。I quickly jumped on the bus.我迅速跳上公交车Our bus was caught in a traffic jam and arrived late.我们的公交车遇上了交通堵塞,来晚了。I'm getting the bus into town.我要坐公交车进城去。Lord de Ramsey is perfectly entitled to use a car. It stretches credulity to suggest he should be seen standing at a bus stop.拉姆齐大人完全有资格使用汽车。竟然有人提议他应当站在车站等公交车,简直匪夷所思。Two hours on a bus is no joke.坐两个小时公交车可不是闹着玩儿的。She drives a bus for a living.她靠开公交车谋生。State railway officials said the crossing signal was flashing red when the bus started moving across the tracks.国家铁路官员称,公交车开始横穿铁路时,道口交叉信号灯正闪着红色。The bus slewed across the road.这辆公交车突然侧滑开过马路。The village is within commuting distance of London.这个村子离伦敦没有多远,乘公交车去就可以。The bus was almost empty when it finally came.公交车终于开来了,车上几乎空无一人。There will be a reduced bus service over the Christmas period.圣诞节期间公交车的班次将会减少。We waited for the bus for all of an hour.我们等公交车足足有一个钟头之久。The elderly travel free on public transport.老年人可以免费乘坐公交车The bus had already returned to the bus depot.公交车已经回到了公交总站。If you want further information the best thing to do is have a word with the driver as you get on the bus.如果你想了解更多信息,最好的办法是在上公交车时问一问司机。I left my umbrella on the bus yesterday.我昨天把伞落在公交车上了。He caught a boy trying to pick his pocket on the bus.他在公交车上抓了一名企图扒窃他财物的男孩。A bus rumbled along the road at the top of the path.一辆公交车从小径尽头的路上缓慢地隆隆驶过。In many cities drivers are being enticed to take a train or bus to work.许多城市正鼓励驾车族搭乘火车或公交车去上班。




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