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词汇 by comparison
例句 Once you've tasted the local apples, all others pale by comparison. 一旦你品尝了当地的苹果,其他苹果就都显得逊色了。He puffed the new system by showing how badly his existing system performed by comparison.他通过比较当前的系统运行得如何糟糕,来吹捧这种新系统。Jane is still young, and Fiona seems old by comparison.简依然年轻,而菲奥娜相比之下就显老。The Yankees’ problems pale by comparison with those of the Dodgers.与道奇队的麻烦相比,洋基队的问题好比小巫见大巫。Since he came to live with me, we have been subject to a campaign of spite and revenge which makes Lady Sarah appear angelic by comparison.自从他来与我同住,我们之间便摩擦不断;相比之下,萨拉夫人倒显得一副菩萨心肠。Those places are modern by comparison with Tresillian.与特西利安相比,那些地方很现代。Last year's losses pale by comparison with this year's.去年的损失和今年相比不值一提。The old car suffers by comparison.旧汽车相形见绌。Their lives were exciting and glamorous; ours seemed dull by comparison.他们的生活刺激精彩;比较而言,我们的就显得沉闷了。His behaviour makes his sister appear angelic by comparison.他的行为使他妹妹相比之下像个天使。This house costs more but is cheaper by comparison.这幢房子价格较高,但比起来还是便宜的。The rest of the arts scene looks increasingly turgid by comparison.比较而言,艺术界的其他领域看起来越发索然无味。The recent violence makes previous uprisings look tame by comparison.相形之下,最近的暴力事件使以前的暴动显得平淡无奇。Such differences are secondary by comparison with the overriding similarities.与占主要地位的相似点比较起来,这些差别是次要的。Yesterday's weather was very cold. Today's weather is mild by comparison.昨天天气非常冷。相对而言今天的天气算温和的了。After months of living in a tropical climate, Spain seemed cool by comparison.在热带气候下生活了几个月之后,西班牙相比之下好像还算凉爽。




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