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词汇 剥夺了
例句 He was stripped of his rank by a military court.他被军事法庭剥夺了军衔。They disenfranchised poor people by making property ownership a requirement for registering to vote.他们把拥有财产定为注册选举的必需条件,从而剥夺了穷人的选举权。He was caught cheating during the Seoul Olympics and humiliatingly stripped of his title.他被发现在汉城奥运会上作弊,因此遭极不光彩地剥夺了冠军称号。The angry parent cut off his son with a shilling.发怒的父亲立遗嘱剥夺了儿子的继承权。The years of civil war have dehumanized all of us.连年内战剥夺了我们所有人的人性。He was arrested, deprived of his citizenship, and then forcibly deported.他被逮捕,剥夺了公民身份,之后又被强制流放。The boy's parents claim the school's actions have effectively deprived their son of education.男孩的父母称学校的行动实际上剥夺了他们儿子受教育的权利。The ruling authority stripped him of his boxing title after he was convicted of importing heroin.他被判犯有走私海洛因罪后,当局就剥夺了他的拳击冠军称号。They were disinherited of their lands by the white population.他们被白人居民剥夺了土地。The former head of counter-intelligence had been stripped of his rank and privileges.反情报机构的前任长官已经被革职并剥夺了特权。She cut him off completely.她完全剥夺了他的继承权。This in effect denied them their right to participate meaningfully in elections.这实际上是剥夺了他们正式参与选举的权利。Children could be compelled to work on the farm, effectively denying them schooling.孩子们可能被迫在农场劳作,这事实上剥夺了他们受教育的权利。He was formally stripped of his American citizenship.他被正式剥夺了美国公民权。The Norman Conquest deprived them of this liberty.诺曼人的征服剥夺了他们的自由。The country's government systematically denies its citizens basic rights to free expression.这个国家的政府完全剥夺了其公民言论自由的基本权利。The new regime dispossessed many people of their land.新政权剥夺了很多人的土地。The Appeal Court and the House of Lords have effectively taken away his reserve powers as Secretary of State.上诉法院和上议院已有效地剥夺了他作为国务大臣的保留权力。The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms.新法律剥夺了许多人的最基本的自由。By refusing to give us a grant to make this programme, they are denying us a platform.他们通过拒绝给我们提供组织这项活动的资金,剥夺了我们的发言权。We are denied use of the land by the ruling classes.统治阶层剥夺了我们使用土地的权利。The hardest part of the punishment was the denial of his right to see his children.这项惩罚最苛刻的部分是剥夺了他看望自己孩子的权利。The former head of counter-intelligence had been stripped of his rank and privileges.反情报机构的前任长官被革职并剥夺了特权。He was caught cheating during the Olympics and humiliatingly stripped of his title.他被发现在奥运会上作弊,因此被极不光彩地剥夺了奖牌。He denied his children of their rightful inheritance.剥夺了子女的合法继承权。The government, in a moment of extreme pettiness, had deprived them of their pensions.政府出于一时极端的吝啬,剥夺了他们的年金。Her father cut her off without a penny.她父亲完全剥夺了她的继承权。A year ago, they took away my freedom and now they take the bread out of my mouth.一年以前,他们剥夺了我的自由,现在又断了我的生计。He complains that the others have done him out of his share.他抱怨其他人剥夺了他应得的那份。They stripped the slaves of their dignity.他们剥夺了奴隶的尊严。Laws enacted in the past ten years have gradually taken away workers’ rights.过去十年里制定的法律已逐渐剥夺了工人的权利。The German government has outlawed some fascist groups.德国政府剥夺了一些法西斯团体的法律权益。




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