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词汇 刻画
例句 I get criticized for the portrayal of women in that movie.我在那部电影里对女性形象的刻画受到了批评。The main characters at least should be round, it does not matter so much if the minor characters are two-dimensional.主要人物至少得刻画丰满,次要人物扁平些关系倒不大。Most of his characters were mere caricatures.刻画的人物大多极为夸张。The writer has a touch for terse, blue-collar dialogue.这位作家善于刻画蓝领工人简短生硬的对话。I didn't believe in any of the characters in the book - they were somehow two-dimensional.我不相信书中的任何人物——他们被刻画得都有点肤浅。He tried to paint the president as he really was, warts and all.他试图真实地刻画总统,丝毫不掩饰其缺点。Unfortunately, his idea of bold journalism was a hatchet job, portraying the staff in a negative light.很遗憾,他所谓的大胆新闻报道其实是一种恶意攻击,是对这些员工的负面刻画The writer presents this complex character as a coherent whole.作者把这个复杂的人物刻画成一个完整紧凑的个体。The cold, hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story.这个真实的故事把两个年轻人的冷酷残忍刻画得入木三分。The carving clearly depicts a dragon inside a circle.这件雕刻清晰地刻画了圆圈内的一条龙。The author is not strong on characterization.这位作者不擅长人物刻画The author has managed to capture the complexity of this man.作者成功地刻画了这个男人的复杂性。Sincere performances and gritty Boston settings add to the film's realism.真诚的表演和对波士顿这一背景城市的真实刻画增添了电影的现实主义色彩。His most celebrated work is the film classic, 'Woman in the Dunes,' a gritty look at survival in an extreme environment.他最负盛名的作品是经典影片《砂之女》,该片对极端环境下的艰难求生进行了逼真的刻画The film offers a rather bleak view of contemporary youth.这部影片对当代青年的刻画很令人沮丧。The father is the most fully developed character in the novel.在这部小说中,父亲是刻画得最全面的人物。They were portrayed as contemptible cowards.他们被刻画成可鄙的胆小鬼。The landscape is described in loving detail.这幅山水画注重刻画细节。He was portrayed as a ruthless opportunist who exploited the publicity at every opportunity.他被刻画成为一个一有机会就大肆宣扬的无情的机会主义者。We were impressed by the great richness of detail in her painting.她的画作着重细节刻画,给我们留下很深的印象。Her short stories are full of detail and wit.她的短篇小说有很多细节刻画,而且机智风趣。The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety.男主人公的性格刻画得很细腻。Trampoline and tumbling can be traced to archaeological drawings in ancient China,Egypt and Persia.有关蹦床和翻筋斗的描绘,可以上溯至古代中国、埃及和波斯的壁刻画Tey's novels are well constructed with strong characterization and a fine prose style.泰的小说构思严谨,人物刻画入木三分,且文风细腻优美。I liked the raw, gritty texture of the film.我喜欢这部电影栩栩如生的刻画Many sitcoms portray men as insensitive, gross, overweight, beer-drinking clods.许多情景喜剧把男性刻画成迟钝、粗俗、肥胖、喝着啤酒的呆子。This intricately carved cameo depicts a woman in profile with long flowing hair.这个精心雕琢的多彩浮雕刻画了一位长发飘逸的女人的侧面像。The rock drawings depict a variety of stylized mythological figures and patterns.这些岩画刻画了大批非写实的神话形象和图案。The book paints an image of the human being as alone in a crowded world.这本书生动地刻画了拥挤的世界中孤单的人类的形象。Her characters are realistically depicted.她的角色刻画得栩栩如生。Her power and strength were personified in her portrayal as a lioness with a woman's body.她被刻画成有着女人身体的一头母狮子,这是对她的权力和力量的拟人化表现形式。Computer-animated cartoons that depict humans realistically seem to defeat the whole purpose of animation.逼真刻画人类的电脑动画似乎破坏了动画的全部目的。When I look at her paintings I'm always struck by the fineness of the details.我欣赏她的画作时,总是被她对细节的精细刻画所打动。The vividness of the characterisation came as a complete surprise.人物刻画的生动程度完全出乎意料。The movie portrayed the battle very realistically.这部电影非常真实地刻画了那场战斗。The film portrays Gandhi as a kind of superman.这部电影把甘地刻画得像个超人。Rodin's sculpture "The Thinker" is of a man sitting with his head in his hand, sunk in thought.罗丹的雕塑《思想者》刻画的是一名坐着的男子,他手托着下巴,陷入沉思。The movie lacks plot , but it's a fascinating character study.这部电影缺少情节,但它的人物刻画很成功。This essay includes too much detail.这篇短文中有过多的细节刻画The characters are all believably portrayed.所有人物都刻画得惟妙惟肖。




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