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词汇 boiled
例句 You've boiled these vegetables to a pulp.你把这些蔬菜煮成菜泥了。I cannot bear the nauseating smell of boiled eggs.我无法忍受煮鸡蛋那令人作呕的气味。Even the penguins were killed and boiled down for their oil.甚至企鹅也被杀死了熬油。Eating boiled potatoes instead of chips was his only gesture towards healthy eating.他说要注意饮食健康,可也仅仅是用煮土豆代替炸薯条而已。There was a hissing sound as the soup boiled over.汤煮沸溢出时发出嘶嘶声。My son loves soft-boiled eggs.我儿子喜欢吃煮得嫩的鸡蛋。Years of dislike boiled over and blows were exchanged.多年的厌恶之情终于爆发,双方拳脚相加。Peel and quarter four hard-boiled eggs.将四个煮老的鸡蛋剥皮,每个切成四等份。His excitement soon boiled away when the work actually started.等工作真正开始时,他的兴奋很快消失殆尽了。She ate a hard-boiled egg for breakfast.她吃了个煮透的鸡蛋当早饭。I'll fetch some boiled water for you.我去拿点开水给你。When the kettle boiled he poured hot water into his Thermos.壶里的水烧开后,他把开水倒进了保温瓶。She's hard-boiled, tough and funny.她冷峻、坚韧而风趣。If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water.如果给婴儿喝果汁,要用凉开水充分稀释。Their disagreement finally boiled over into a fight.他们的分歧愈演愈烈,最后打了起来。All the goodness has been boiled out of the vegetables.蔬菜的全部营养都给煮掉了。His speech boiled down to a plea for more money.他的讲话归根结底就是要更多的钱。The company has issued warning notices saying that all water should be boiled.公司已发出警告:所有的水必须烧开。It boiled over, spurting hot water everywhere.煮潽了,热水喷得到处都是。Cook the mixture until the liquid has boiled away. 将混合液煮至水分全部蒸发。Dissolve the salt in a little boiled water.将盐溶解在少许开水中。Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree.洋葱可以煮一下打成糊。Live fish are fried and boiled without scruple.活鱼被毫无顾忌地放进油锅里煎,放到沸水中煮。The water boiled away and the potatoes caught.水煮干了,土豆烧焦了。 The soup's almost boiled away.汤几乎要烧干了。The meat is divided evenly and boiled in a stew.那块肉被均匀切成小块放到炖菜里煮熟。The hard-boiled eggs were tough and rubbery.煮过头的鸡蛋吃起来韧硬似橡胶。The sound of the river boiled along the banks.河水沿河岸潺潺流淌。How do you like your eggs - fried or boiled?鸡蛋你想怎样吃?是吃煎的还是煮的?Anger boiled up at the rich and powerful.爆发了对富豪和权势者的愤怒。The movie's main character is a hard-boiled gumshoe.电影主角是一名作风强硬的私家侦探。They boiled the water to make it drinkable. 他们把水烧开使其可以饮用。For Malcolm work could always be boiled down to one idea: being good in business.对于马尔科姆来说,工作归根结底就是要取得好的业绩。The waves boiled around the ship.船周围波涛汹涌起伏。I was sucking a boiled sweet.我正吸吮一块硬糖。Just do me a boiled egg and a round of toast.给我来个煮鸡蛋和一片吐司就行。I tried giving him some cool, boiled water, but he even threw that up.我想让他喝点凉开水,可他连这也吐了。The main course was an unappetizing leg of chicken with boiled potatoes.主菜是令人难以下咽的鸡腿配煮马铃薯。I've boiled some potatoes for dinner.晚饭我煮了些土豆。Liberal MPs' frustrations boiled over yesterday.昨天,自由党议员们累积的挫败感终于爆发了。




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