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词汇 boiling
例句 The sun was boiling hot.太阳火辣辣的。The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava.大地开裂,汩汩冒出炽热的熔岩。Quickly dip the tomatoes in boiling water.在沸水中把西红柿快速地蘸一下。Don't put boiling water in the glass or it will crack.不要把沸水倒进这个玻璃杯里,否则它会破裂的。Make an infusion by boiling and simmering the rhubarb and camomile together.将大黄和甘菊一起煮沸再用文火炖,熬成汤药。A pan of potatoes was boiling away merrily on the gas stove.一锅土豆在煤气炉上欢快地煮着。The waters off Stanwell Park are boiling with yellowfin tuna.斯坦威尔公园外的水域里,黄鳍金枪鱼翻腾跳跃。I'm boiling in this suit.穿着这套衣服热死我了。She added a spoonful of olive oil to the boiling water, then threw in the pasta.她在沸水中加入一匙橄榄油,然后把面食放进去。A nearby volcano erupted violently, sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud.附近的一座火山猛烈爆发了,喷出大量熔岩和滚烫的泥流。Scrub the potatoes, then put them in a pan of boiling water.把马铃薯刷干净,然后放进一锅开水里。He sensed he had reached his boiling point.他感到自己愤怒的情绪已经上升到了极点。I alternated between feeling freezing cold and boiling hot.我一会儿感觉快要冻僵了,一会儿又热得像被开水煮一样。Sterilize the bottles with boiling water.用沸水把这些瓶子消毒。Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.食物常常是表面滚烫,而里面可能还是凉的。A pan of potatoes was boiling away merrily on the gas.一锅土豆在煤气灶上咕嘟咕嘟地沸腾着。The milk's boiling over.牛奶潽出来了。It's boiling out here! Let's go inside and get a cool drink.这儿热得很!我们进去喝杯冷饮吧。Mix the powder with boiling water.用开水把粉末调和。She steeped the tea in boiling water.她用滚开的水泡茶。He was boiling hot and his jacket was sticking to his back.他热极了,上衣都贴在了后背上。He's quite capable of pulling some stunt just to keep the pot boiling.他十分善于做出一些引人注目的举动,让人们总是关注他。He could feel the anger boiling up inside him. 他感到怒火中烧。The government lent the company some money to keep the pot boiling.政府贷给那家公司一笔款子,使它继续兴旺发达。Can I open a window? It's boiling in here.我开扇窗好吗?这里热死人了。Babies’ bottles can be sterilized simply by boiling them in water.奶瓶放在水里煮就能消毒。The boiling takes place in machines called evaporators.水在被称为蒸发器的机器中沸腾。Often the food may be boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.食物常常是表面滚烫,而里面可能还是凉的。Anger was boiling up inside me.我怒火中烧。Pour a kettle of boiling water over the onions.在洋葱上倒一壶开水。The ocean was boiling.海洋波涛汹涌。He is boiling mad at how he was treated.他因所受待遇而大怒。He had a low boiling point and was beginning to simmer.他的性格易发火,正忍不住要发作了。At what point does boiling water change into water vapour?沸水在多少度时变成水蒸气?She screamed as the boiling liquid burned her skin.滚烫的液体烫到她的皮肤,她尖叫了起来。The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava.地面裂开,一股炽热的熔岩喷涌而出。Many cooks are squeamish about putting live shellfish into boiling water.很多厨师把活的贝类放进滚水中时都于心不忍。The pasta is boiling.意大利面正煮着。She could feel her temper boiling as his words sank in.她逐渐听明白了他的话,感到怒火中烧。It was a boiling hot day, and the kids were out playing in the pool.天气酷热难当,小孩子在外面的水池里玩耍。




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