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例句 Her letter seemed pretty cheerful, but if you read between the lines, you can tell that she's not really happy.从她的来信看,似乎她相当开心,但从字里行间你可以看出她并不是真的快乐。Learning another language is never easy, but if you work at it you'll soon get results.学习外语决不是件容易的事,但如果你努力钻研,很快就会有收效的。I can't remember the name of the book, but if you're interested I can find out.我记不起书名了,不过你要是感兴趣的话,我可以找出来。I've been rejected hundreds of times, but if you don't try you never will get a job, will you?我被拒绝了无数次,但是如果你不去尝试,就永远找不到工作,你说呢?He thinks he's won, but if I get my hands on him, I'll wipe that smile off his face!他觉着自己获胜了,但如果我来对付他的话,他就不会这么得意了!You can bust a gut sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, but if your product is lousy, you've wasted your time.你可以玩命地工作,一天十六小时、一周七天,但是如果产品很糟,就是浪费时间。This will cost money, but if social inclusion is to succeed, it must be spent.这会花钱,但如果社会融入工作要取得成功的话,这笔钱必须要花。Try changing the spark plugs, but if that fails take the car to a mechanic.试试换火花塞,如果还不行就把车给技师去修。We should be in when you arrive, but if the worst comes to the worst, the neighbours have a spare key and will let you into the house.你到的时候我们应该在家,万一不在,邻居家还有一把备用钥匙,能让你进屋。Life would continue to be hard but if they sat tight and trusted him things would get better.生活依然会很艰辛,但是如果他们能静观其变,并且信任他,一切会慢慢好起来的。Elmer seems pretty alert, but if you spend much time with him he starts to repeat himself.埃尔默看上去很机敏,不过你要是和他一起时间久了,他就开始说话重复了。It's tough to succeed in this business, but if you work hard I know you'll make it eventually.干这一行很难成功,但是如果你努力,我相信你最终会成功的。I know the work is hard, but if you just stay with it for a while longer, it'll be done.我知道这活儿不容易,但如果你再坚持一会儿,就能完成。They promised success, but if things don't get better soon, they may have to eat their words.他们曾保证成功,但如果情况不能很快好转,他们或许只能认错了。They can have the most unique idea but if the VC is not comfortable with the team, it's not going to work.他们可以有最独特的想法,但如果副主席对该队不满意,那怎样都行不通。Things are hard at the moment, but if we stick with it, they are bound to get better.目前情况困难,但如果我们坚持下去的话,肯定会有所好转的。The medication may upset your stomach but if you experience acute abdominal pain call your doctor.这种药可能引起肠胃不适,但是如果你感觉腹部剧烈疼痛,就打电话给医生。I'd prefer it if you could deliver all the letters, but if you can only deliver half, all well and good.最好你能把信都送了,就算只能送一半也好。It's not a great job, but if you keep your nose clean, you should be promoted by the end of the year.这不算是什么好工作,但只要你老老实实地干下去,到年底应该就会得到提升。We don't have much time but if we all pull together we should get the job done.我们没有多少时间了,但如果齐心协力的话应该能完成任务。I was planning to ask you in for a brandy, but if you want to take a rain check, that's fine.我本打算请你到家里喝杯白兰地,但如果你想改天,那也可以。Payday is not until next week, but if you need any money in the meanwhile, let me know.下个星期才是发薪日,这期间你需要钱的话就跟我说。They did not want war, but if attacked they would fight to the death.他们不想要战争,但是如果受到攻击,他们会坚决战斗到底。They're feeling pretty confident now, but if you ask me, they're riding for a fall.他们现在感觉蛮有信心,但要让我说,他们是在走向失败。They may not like being called careless, but if the cap fits, wear it. 他们可能不喜欢被别人说粗心大意,不过有则改之。I shall continue to act in their best interests but if that means nuking the enemy, then I'll not do it.我将继续尽力维护他们的利益,但是如果那意味着对敌人使用核武器,那我就不干。I try not to be judgmental, but if I think someone's being stupid, I'll say so.我尽量不想评头论足,但要是我认为某个人很愚蠢,我会直说的。!I know things are difficult right now, but if we just stick it out, I'm sure everything will be OK in the end.我知道现在情况很艰难,但只要我们能坚持下去,我敢肯定最后一切都会好的。You can tell your kids not to do something until you're blue in the face, but if they want to do it, they will.不管你怎么叫孩子不要做某事,如果他们想做,他们也还是会去做。Competition can be healthy, but if it is pushed too far it can result in bullying.竞争可以是良性的,但如果太过火,就可能造成以强凌弱。I'm willing to help you, but if you're asking for money, that's another thing/matter/story. 我愿意帮你,但如果你要的是钱,那就另当别论了。I know it's a private party, but if you slip the doorman $5, he'll let you in.我知道这是私人聚会,但如果你偷偷塞给看门人五美元,他就会放你进去。I could be wrong about all this but if I am, at least I'll be in good company.在这件事上我也许会错,但是即便我真的错了,至少也不是我一个人这样看。I don't enjoy having a churning stomach but if you are going to win tournaments, you must go through it.我并不喜欢胃里翻江倒海的,但是要想赢得锦标赛,就得闯过这一关。




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