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词汇 证书
例句 Her paper qualifications make her a good candidate, but do you think she has the right personality for the job?她持有资格证书,是个不错的人选,但你认为她的性格适合做这份工作吗?She's got eight GCSEs.她已获得八门学科的普通中等教育证书She quit school as soon as she had taken her GCSEs.她一拿到普通中等教育证书后就没再上学了。The presentation of prizes and certificates will take place in the main hall.奖品和证书的颁发仪式将在大厅举行。A doctor's certificate will suffice as a form of permission.医生执业证书足以作为一种许可证。They accepted their certificates with words of thanks.他们一边道谢,一边接过证书The certification qualifies you to teach only in this state.这个证书仅使你可以在本州进行教学。The certificate had clearly been falsified.这张证书很明显是伪造的。A solicitor must have a current practising certificate.律师必须有合法的执业证书She proudly displayed her certificate to her parents.她自豪地向父母展示了她获得的证书The lawyer stamped the certificate with her seal.律师在证书上盖上了她的印章。The certificate has great credibility in the US.证书在美国可信度很高。I found the certificate under a pile of other papers.我在一堆其他文件下面找到了证书Sue failed her exam, so just to rub her nose in it, I put my certificate up on the wall.苏考试没有及格,所以我把自己的证书贴在墙上,就是为了让她难堪。There are only two internationally recognized certificates in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.国际上承认的英语作为外语教学的证书只有两个。She will sit A levels in English, French and history next summer.她明年夏天将申请英语、法语和历史高级程度考试证书The job requires a high school diploma or GED.这份工作要求有高中学历或普通教育水平证书Getting the certificate does a lot in terms of confidence building.获得这张证书在建立自信方面很有帮助。I've been hunting high and low for that certificate and I still can't find it!我到处找那张证书,可还是找不到!Diploma and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation.为获得文凭和证书所修的课程通常不需要提交论文。She sent her provisional licence with the test certificate to have it upgraded to a full licence.她将临时执照连同考试证书一起提交上去以申请升级为正式执照。The certificate will have to be registered at the registry.证书必须存放在登记处。We successfully completed the certification for open water diving.我们成功地拿到了开放水域潜水证书Everyone was given a diploma at the end of the course.课程结束后,每个人都获发了证书It takes a year to do a PGCE and then you can teach in a primary or secondary school.花一年时间拿下教育学研究生证书,然后你就可以在小学或中学执教了。The certificate qualifies you to work as a dental assistant.证书能使你有资格当牙医助手。This certificate is the minimum qualification required to teach English in most language schools.要在大多数语言学校教英语,拥有这个证书是最起码的条件。He holds a captain's certificate.他持有船长证书To the right of the fireplace are various framed certificates.壁炉的右边是各种镶框的证书He went to night school and got his high school equivalency certificate. 他在夜校上学并获得了高中同等学力的证书Last year, one in five boys left school without a qualification.去年,五分之一的男孩没有获得资格证书就离校了。To forge the certificate, she needed an exact match for the paper and the fonts.她需要一模一样的纸和字体来伪造证书He gave her the envelope of certificates.他给她证书的封套。




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