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词汇 列车
例句 What are the times of the return trains?回程列车都有几点的?He caught an eastbound train to Tottenham Court Road.他搭上了开往托特纳姆宫路的东向地铁列车The platform jarred as a train rumbled by.列车隆隆驰过时站台受到震动。On many trains, refreshments are provided by a trolley service.许多列车上都有手推车售卖茶点的服务。In this country the trains are regular as clockwork.在这个国家,列车非常准时。The train rattled noisily over the points.列车咔哒咔哒响着驰过道岔。The domino effect if one train is cancelled is enormous.取消一趟列车所产生的多米诺效应是巨大的。His body rocked from side to side with the train.他的身体随着列车来回摇晃。The train conductor punched our tickets.列车车掌剪了我们的票。Modern trains have automatic doors.现代列车都装有自动门。The train moved slowly into the station.列车徐徐进站。 The train runs on an elevated track.列车在高架轨道上行驶。The train puffed its way into the station.列车吐着烟驶进车站。We took the new super-fast train, and that was really something.我们乘坐了新型超快列车,那真是快极了。The wind of the train's passage ruffled his hair.列车驶过的一阵疾风弄乱了他的头发。Slowly the train drew out of the station.列车徐徐驶出车站。This train calls at the chief stations only.这班列车只停靠大站。The train made a nonscheduled stop.列车不按运行计划临时停车。The train stopped at the red signal.列车遇红灯而停车。Catching a later train made Frank late getting to the office.弗兰克乘了较晚的一班列车,所以到办公室时迟了。The train stopped in the middle of nowhere.列车在荒无人烟的地方停了下来。Double-stack trains are taking a lot of freight that used to be routed via trucks.以往由卡车运送的很多货物现在都改用双层列车运送了。Many new trains have space for wheelchair users.许多新型列车为坐轮椅者留有空间。The train moved off with a jerk.列车猝然一动驶离了站台。The passengers boarded the monorail.乘客登上了单轨列车The commuters herded onto the train.通勤者成群地上了列车No trains will be affected by this incident.不会有列车受到这起事件的影响。They switched the train to the other track.他们把列车转到另一轨道上。A heavy freight train double-headed up the mountain.一列满载货物的列车由双机牵引上山。There is a train service every thirty minutes.每隔半小时有一班列车There was only one seat free on the train.列车上只剩下一个空座。The train rattled by.列车隆隆地驶过。Trains depart at half-hourly intervals.列车每半小时发出一班。The train pulled into a station.列车驶入了一个车站。The train ran from Shanghai to Nanjing and return every day.列车每天从上海开南京并回程。The train's carriages clanked and rattled as it crept into the station.列车徐徐驶进车站,车厢发出当啷响。The rail company has two trains in service and one in reserve.这家铁路公司有两辆正在营运的列车和一辆备用列车The two trains came into collision.两列列车发生了碰撞。I asked about train times to Leeds.我问了开往利兹列车的开行时刻。This new train is designed to lure people away from their cars and shuttle flights.这趟新开通的列车旨在吸引人们放弃乘坐私家车和短程往返飞机而择其代之。




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