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词汇 busted
例句 He busted his watch when he fell.他跌倒时把手表摔坏了。The police busted the party up.警方中止了那场聚会。The police busted Pete last night, but he was clean.警察昨夜搜查了皮特,可是未搜出他有任何违禁品。The police has busted up two automobile theft rings.警方破获了两个汽车偷盗集团。His suitcase busted open, and everything went all over the floor in the hotel lobby.他的手提箱突然开了口,东西在酒店大堂里撒了一地。Julie's arm is busted and she can't take care of herself.朱莉手臂断了,无法照料自己。He busted a gut over all the work he had to do.他努力从事他所必须做的一切工作。She fell and busted her knee.她掉了下来,摔碎了膝盖。His gambling problem busted up their marriage.他的赌博恶习葬送了他们的婚姻。Elaine busted up laughing at the sight of him.伊莱恩一见到他就笑个没完。In the yard, Miguel found a writing table with a busted leg.米格尔在院子里看到一张有条断腿的书桌。She got/was busted for drug possession.她因私藏毒品被逮捕。They were busted for possession of cannabis.他们因私藏大麻而被捕。I really busted a gut to get that report finished on time.我的确下了一番苦工以按时完成那份报告。Thieves busted the lock and damaged the sliding door.窃贼砸坏了锁,弄坏了推拉门。A bunch of bikers busted up the bar.一群摩托车手把酒吧砸了。Two prisoners busted out of jail.两名犯人越狱了。I think the camera is busted.我觉得照相机被摔坏了。You can't record anything - the VCR's busted.你录不了东西了—录像机坏了。Their marriage busted up after three years.他们的婚姻三年后破裂了。The couple had busted up before and got together again.这对夫妇曾一度分居,后来又归和好。Here's how to get help with a busted phone.这是如何用一台坏了的电话求助的方法。I busted my knee playing basketball.我打篮球把膝盖摔破了。His face was busted open and bleeding.他的脸被打得皮开血流。He busted out the champagne.他拿出了香槟酒。His house was busted this morning.今晨警察搜查了他的房子。He busted the side window with a bat.他用球棒击碎了边侧的窗玻璃。We looked at each other and busted up laughing.我们相互看着对方,突然大笑起来。She just busted out laughing.她突然大笑起来。He busted his watch yesterday.他昨天把表弄坏了。Didn't you hear? They busted up. 你没听说?他俩分手了。The police busted him because they think he's involved with a terrorist group.警方认为他与恐怖团伙有牵连而逮捕了他。He was busted by U.S. inspectors at the border.他受到美国边防官的指控。Federal agents busted several money-exchange businesses.联邦探员突击搜查了几家货币汇兑店。He was busted for possession of marijuana.他因怀有大麻而被捕。Two students got busted by the teacher for smoking in the bathroom.两名学生在卫生间吸烟被老师逮了个正着。




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