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词汇 出声
例句 Don't make a noise when you go into the bedroom.进卧室的时候不要出声Don't slurp your soup!喝汤不要出声The teacher frowned the child down when he kept repeating his request.孩子一遍又一遍提要求时,老师皱起眉头使他不敢再出声了。Make the blasted dog keep quiet.别让那条该死的狗出声She still has the giggles about the experience.对于那次经历,她仍然会忍不住笑出声来。I kept quiet so as not to worry her.我没出声,免得让她担心。She was trying to suppress a snigger.她忍着不笑出声来。Paul barely managed to stifle a chuckle.保罗差点儿忍不住笑出声The wounded man could not forbear to cry out.受伤的人忍不住叫出声来。He was too busy eating to make the objection vocal.他正忙着吃,没工夫出声儿反对。She cried out in pain as the bullet grazed her shoulder.子弹擦过她的肩头时,她痛得叫出声来。We shared a giggle at their predicament.他们的困境使我们都忍不住笑出声来。I could scarcely forbear from laughing out loud.我忍不住笑出声来。When the engine finally started she gave an audible sigh of relief.引擎终于发动了,她出声地舒了一口气。I struggled to stifle a laugh.我竭力忍住不笑出声来。There was a coward silence when the stern principal came in.严厉的校长走进来时,大家胆怯得不敢出声She put the knife to his throat to frighten him into silence.她用刀抵住他的喉咙,威胁他不要出声Please try not to make any noise.请尽量不要出声The little boy cowered behind the tree, terrified to make a sound.小男孩畏缩在树后,吓得不敢出声Paul remained silent for such a long time that we were beginning to wonder if he'd fallen asleep.保罗这么长时间没有出声,我们开始怀疑他是否睡着了。He almost sighed, but refrained.他差一点出声叹息,可还是忍住了。He cried out at each stroke of the whip.鞭子每抽一下,他都叫出声来。The boy gave a little crow of delight when he mastered the puzzle.男孩解出了这道难题,高兴得叫出声来。Sit still, and don't make a sound.坐着别动,不要出声He pursed his lips in a silent whistle.他噘起嘴唇来吹口哨,但没有出声They never made a sound.他们一直没出声He dragged her into the car, putting his hand over her mouth to muffle her screams.他将她拖进车子,用手捂住她的嘴不让她尖叫出声I bit back a scream of terror.我强忍着恐惧,没叫出声来。Just as soon as the President voiced his dissent, his advisors talked him down.总统刚出声表示异议,他的顾问就立刻说服他打消这个念头。The girls tried to smother their giggles.女孩们使劲忍住不笑出声来。He tried hard to control his laughter. 他极力忍住不笑出声来。She stood rooted to the spot, too afraid to move or speak.她生了根似的立在那儿,不敢动,也不敢出声Trying not to laugh aloud made it worse, and for a moment or two, they were both helpless with suppressed laughter.他们想忍住不笑出声来,反而更加糟糕有那么一会儿,两个人都忍不住大笑起来。They stood in silence, their uplifted faces expressing their joy.他们站着没出声,抬起的脸部流露出欢乐的神情。Cherie was trying hard not to laugh.谢丽正强忍住不笑出声来。He motioned to me to be silent.他示意我不要出声She tried to suppress a laugh, but ended up giggling anyway.她使劲想忍住不笑,但最终还是咯咯笑出声来。




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