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例句 Researchers identified themes from the content analysis of interviews.研究者从采访的内容中分析出几个主题。She read through her essay and struck out a few words here and there.她将论文通读一遍,在一些地方删去了几个字。There are small windows in the roof.屋顶上有几个小窗户。Election officials have rigged up speakers to provide voters with music.负责选举的官员们已经临时安了几个喇叭,让投票者可以同时享受音乐。Astronomers say that over the next few weeks the comet will be coming into view.天文学家说未来几个星期能见到彗星。The game-show host started her off with some easy questions.电视有奖竞赛节目主持人以几个简单的问题开始向她提问。He holds directorships at several banks.他担任几个银行的董事职位。A number of interesting points came up at today's meeting.今天的会议上有几个有趣的观点被提了出来。Jack worked as hard as he could to build his business, but he hadn't figured on a few obstacles.杰克竭尽全力发展自己的公司,但有几个障碍是他始料不及的。Some of these students have transferred elsewhere.这些学生中有几个已转学他处。All the people who work there are men except for a couple of token women.除了几个装点门面的女员工之外,在那儿工作的都是男性。Several terrorists have been killed by their own bombs.几个恐怖分子被自己的炸弹炸死了。Some Glasgow bands adorned their record sleeves with misty-eyed monochromes of the Finnieston crane.几个格拉斯哥乐队用菲尼斯顿起重机的朦胧黑白照片来装饰他们唱片的封套。I could knock you up a couple of poached eggs.我可以很快给你煮几个荷包蛋。There's a dreamlike quality to the final stages of the movie.这部影片的最后几个场景有梦幻般的效果。Towns merged to take on the appearance of a city.几个镇子连在了一起,呈现出一座城市的面貌。 The shadowy forms of several people were visible through the smoke.透过烟雾可看到几个模糊的人影。The brothers vowed to avenge the death of their father.几个兄弟发誓要为父亲的死报仇。She spoke knowledgeably on several topics.她就几个话题讲得头头是道。Soldiers helped to bury the dead in large communal graves.士兵们帮着把死者埋在几个大型合葬墓里。He was accused of being too cosy with some clients.他因为和几个客户关系过于密切而受到指责。Will you shut up and give some of us lot a chance?请你住口让咱们几个有个说话机会好不好? Several police officers were on guard outside the factory.几个警察在工厂外警戒。The wedding has been the only topic of conversation for weeks.这场婚礼是几个星期中谈论的唯一话题。It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.几个世纪以来人们一直相信伟大的作家、作曲家和科学家从根本上就与普通人大不相同。As the last notes of the song faded away, the audience began to applaud.随着这首歌最后的几个音符渐逝,听众开始鼓掌。Their performance was very good except for a few minor slips.除了几个小差错外,他们的表演非常精彩。Our family has worked this land for centuries.我们家族已在这片土地上耕作了几个世纪。She shelled and ate a few nuts.她剥了几个坚果吃了。He allowed some of his friends to peek at his next painting.他允许几个朋友提前看一眼他的下一幅画作。Okay, so the guy made a few mistakes. That doesn't mean he isn't a good player.好吧,不错,这个人是犯了几个错误。那并不意味着他不是个好选手。The next guesthouse we tried had a couple of rooms vacant.我们后来去问的那家旅馆有几个房间空着。She was a lonely child with few friends.她是个孤独的孩子,没有几个朋友。He deploys several arguments to prove his point.他利用几个论据来证明自己的观点。The brothers finally resolved their conflict.几个兄弟最终解决了他们的矛盾。Each chapter is broken down into subtopics.每一章分成几个小标题。I have some important calls to make.我要打几个重要的电话。We've got time for a few more questions.我们还有时间,可以再多问几个问题。The company has a small number of college scholarships to offer to employees’ children.这家公司为员工的子女提供了几个名额的大学奖学金。Can I bounce a couple of ideas off you?我可以跟你交流几个想法吗?




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