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词汇 逃税
例句 The law would stiffen penalties for tax evasion.法律将加重对逃税的惩罚。It's amazing what people will do to get out of paying taxes.人们为逃税而做出的种种事情令人吃惊。Those were the dodges he used to escape taxation.那些是他用以逃税的诡计。Stevens was in court yesterday facing charges of graft and tax evasion.史蒂文斯昨天在法庭上面对受贿和逃税的指控。Watson was jailed for tax evasion.沃森因为逃税入狱。My clients do not want to be party to tax evasion.我的客户不想参与逃税He was accused of evading taxes.他被指控逃税He was scourged for tax evasion.他因逃税受到严惩。Most crooked businesses rely on tax evasion.多数无良企业靠逃税赖以为生。Davies was eventually caught during a government crack-down on tax evasion.戴维斯在政府打击逃税行为的一次行动中终于被抓住了。He is appearing in court on charges of bribery and tax evasion.他因被控行贿和逃税而出庭受审。He criticized the government for being too soft on tax evasion.他批评政府对待逃税太宽容。Many struggling firms are ready to break the law by dodging tax.很多挣扎求生的企业不惜违法逃税He was arrested for tax evasion.他因为逃税而被捕。He fell under suspicion of tax evasion.他有逃税嫌疑。They claim that the wine is for personal use and so evade the duty.他们声称这酒是供个人饮用的,以此来逃税The government is taking a hard line over tax avoidance.政府对逃税采取了强硬政策。He went to prison for tax evasion.他因逃税而入狱。It is appalling that so many people evade paying taxes.那么多人逃税,真是惊人。They finally nailed Capone for tax evasion.他们最终揭穿了卡彭逃税一事。The company was penalized for not paying taxes.公司因逃税而被处罚。They get smart accountants to help them dodge taxes.他们请精明的会计来帮助他们逃税If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay my taxes at all.如果我认为逃税可以不受处罚的话,我就干脆一分钱都不交了。We need to tighten the screws on people who've been evading the tax.我们必须对那些一直逃税的人施压。Some tax cheats have been discovered.已发现了几起偷税逃税事件。The authorities are becoming stricter about tax evasion.当局对逃税行为管得严起来了。He keeps his money overseas as a tax dodge.为了逃税他想了个花招,把钱存在海外。The authorities are really coming down hard on tax evasion.当局会严惩逃税行为。Murder, theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.例如,谋杀、盗窃和逃税,它们都有不同的动机和后果。He was arrested for tax/draft evasion.他因为逃税/逃兵役而被逮捕。When a few documents showed that the mayor had avoided paying his taxes, the press pounced on him.当有一些资料显示市长有逃税行为时,媒体对他发起了猛烈攻击。The act was originally passed as a safeguard against tax evasion.该法案原本是作为预防逃税的措施而被通过的。His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article alleging he'd evaded his taxes.由于报上一篇文章声称他曾逃税,他的名誉受到损害。Clever businessmen often manage to evade taxes.精明的生意人经常设法逃税He got nailed for not paying his taxes.他因逃税而被捕。He pleaded guilty to charges of fraud and tax evasion.他对欺诈和逃税的指控表示认罪。Employers will always try to find ways to evade tax.雇主总是会想方设法逃税By his own admission, he evaded taxes.逃税,而且自己也承认。Tax cheats have declined.偷税逃税事件已有所减少。The government should act to curb tax evasion.政府应该采取行动抑制逃税




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