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Together they formulated an escape plan.他们一起制订了一个逃生计划。The people raced for safety.人们拼命逃生。They had a miraculous escape when their car plunged into a river.他们的车冲入河里,而他们却奇迹般地逃生了。A pilot had a miraculous escape after his plane crashed.一名飞行员在其飞机坠毁后奇迹般逃生。The pilot bailed out safely.飞行员安全地跳伞逃生。According to legend, he escaped by leaping from the cliffs into the sea.据传,他是跳崖入海逃生的。The factory was a firetrap and dozens of workers died before rescuers could reach them.这个工厂很难逃生,在救援人员赶到之前,几十名工人已经葬身火海。Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft.里德不得不从严重受损的飞机上跳伞逃生。The factory was a death trap with too few exits for the workers to use in case of a fire.那家工厂是个危险的地方,安全出口太少,万一发生火灾,工人难以逃生。The other crewmen parachuted to safety.其他机组人员跳伞逃生。People were forced to leap to safety from the burning building.人们被迫跳离着火的大楼以逃生。The family escaped the blaze.那家人从大火中逃生。A fierce storm forced the crew to abandon the yacht.猛烈的暴风雨迫使船员们弃船逃生。The driver escaped without injury.司机逃生,毫发无损。He used a parachute to bale out under enemy fire.他在敌人的火力下用降落伞逃生。He witnessed many dramatic escapes as people jumped from as high as the fourth floor.他目睹了许多人从五层高的楼上跳下来逃生的惊险场面。He narrowly escaped with his life when suspected right-wing extremists fired shots into his office.疑似右翼极端分子的一些人向他的办公室开枪扫射,他侥幸逃生。The path offers an easy escape.从这条路出去很容易逃生。 |