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词汇 逃离
例句 Many civilians fled in terror.许多百姓惊慌地逃离了。The railway station was swamped with thousands of families trying to flee the city.火车站挤满了成千上万想要逃离这座城市的家庭。He cravenly fled from the scene.他怯懦地逃离了事发现场。Residents had only a few minutes to escape before the blast rocked their houses.居民只有几分钟的逃离时间,气浪就把房屋震得摇来晃去。A trickle of refugees began to flee the country.难民开始三五成群地陆续逃离该国。He ran away from school after he had a fight with a bigger boy.他和一个比他大些的男孩打了一架后就逃离了学校。They were forced to flee the country.他们被迫逃离该国。The rebels tunnelled out of a maximum security jail.叛乱者挖地道逃离了戒备最为森严的监狱。His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fled the civil war.他的教堂成为成千上万逃离内战的人们的避难所。They were forced to fly the country.他们被迫逃离自己的国家。The former president has been forced to flee the country.前总统被迫逃离这个国家。Eyewitnesses describe the man seen running away as tall with brown hair.据目击者描述,逃离者是一个棕色头发的高个子男人。More people are going to want to escape from the town into the country…更多的人将会想要逃离城市到乡村去。The fall of the fort caused the local civilians to flee.这个要塞的失守使得当地平民纷纷逃离The criminal fled the scene.罪犯逃离了现场。He drove the getaway car 他驾驶作案车辆逃离了犯罪现场。Many people were trampled to death trying to escape the burning building.很多人在试图逃离起火建筑物时被踩踏致死。Fearing further attacks, most of the population had abandoned the city.由于害怕遭受更多的袭击,大多数市民已逃离该市。He fled the country lest he be captured and imprisoned.逃离了这个国家,以免被捕入狱。There was a frantic rush to escape from the building.人们发疯地奔跑以逃离大楼。The last occupant of the throne fled the country.最后那个占据王位的人逃离了这个国家。Ground down by years of abuse, she did not have the confidence to leave him.多年来所受的虐待已经使她丧失了逃离他魔爪的信心。They hightailed it from the danger zones.他们急忙逃离危险区。He took part in the retreat from Paris.他参加了逃离巴黎的活动。More than two million refugees have fled the area, fearing attack.两百多万难民因害怕遭到攻击而逃离了该地区。She fled the country, and is now seeking asylum in Sweden.逃离了该国,目前正在瑞典寻求庇护。Fugitive families who have fled the fighting in the cities are now trying to survive in the mountains.那些逃离城市战火的家庭正设法在山区生存下来。Most of the refugees are fleeing from repression in their homeland.大多数难民都在逃离国内的压迫势力。During the war, they were forced to flee their homeland.战争期间他们被迫逃离了祖国。Many people fled the city to escape the fighting.许多人逃离这座城市以躲避这场争斗。They fled the country to escape the clutches of the secret police.他们逃离该国,避开秘密警察的控制。I decided to make my getaway as soon as I got the chance.我决定只要有机会就逃离世事的烦恼。The first bombings triggered the mass exodus of refugees.最初的轰炸使得大批难民纷纷逃离Finding a second wind, he rode away from his pursuers.他缓过劲儿来,骑马逃离了追赶他的人。When the tornado hit, they did well to escape uninjured.龙卷风来袭时,他们侥幸逃离,没有受伤。He skipped the country.逃离了这个国家。They left behind everything they owned when they fled the country.他们逃离那个国家时,所有财产都没有带走。Giving Nanny the slip, she escaped the castle confines.她偷偷地把纸条塞给南妮,然后逃离了城堡的囚禁。Thousands of people have already left the capital in order to get away from the fighting.成千上万的人已经逃离首都躲避战争。More than two million refugees have fled the area, fearing attack by loyalist forces.两百多万难民担心受到效忠旧政府的势力的攻击而逃离该地区。




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