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例句 The government is now bringing in laws to reduce air pollution. But, is it a case of too little, too late?政府如今正引入法律以减少空气污染。但这是否为时已晚了呢?Union leaders are again in conflict with management, this time over job losses.工会领袖又一次跟资方发生了冲突,这一次是为了工作岗位减少的问题。Experts say that the time parents spend with their children is decreasing.专家说家长陪伴孩子的时间在减少First, interest rates may take longer to fall than is hoped. Second, in real terms, lending may fall. Third, bad loans could wipe out much of any improvement.首先,利率的下降可能没有希望的那样快;第二,实际贷款额可能会减少;第三,坏账很可能抵消大部分增长。Steps must be taken to reduce our carbon footprint.我们必须采取措施减少碳排放。Delegates signed a treaty to reduce the armouries of conventional weapons in Europe.各代表签署了协议以减少欧洲的常规武器装备。Increasing world affluence advances in parallel with a decreasing requirement to work.在世界日益富裕的同时,要求人们做的工作日渐减少We need to do more to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.我们必须更尽力减少对外国石油的依赖。We need to find ways to reduce/avoid unnecessary waste.我们需要想办法减少/避免不必要的浪费。Environmentalists regard these moves as the government taking advantage of the national mood to roll back protective measures.环保主义者认为这些是政府利用国民情绪来减少保护措施的举措。Reduce saturated fats in your diet.减少饮食中饱和脂肪的摄入量。He spread lime over the garden to make the soil less acidic.他在花园撒右灰以减少土壤的酸性。People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.人们应该减少脂肪摄入,以降低患心脏病的危险。Because of falling orders, the company has been forced to lay off several hundred workers.由于订单减少,公司被迫解雇了数百名工人。Cutting weeds before they go to seed will greatly reduce future weed problems.在杂草结籽前将其剪除会极大地减少将来的杂草问题。The agreement sets clear targets and timetables for the reduction of carbon emissions.该协定为减少碳排放量制定了明确的目标和时间表。The business could become less profitable or, even worse, could close down.该公司可能会盈利减少,更糟的是,可能倒闭。You can resell books and cut the original cost of purchase.你可以转售这些书以减少先前的购买成本。The government has issued specific instructions on reducing waste disposal.政府已经发布了减少废物处理的具体指令。US farmers are having trouble coping with the reductions in agricultural subsidies.农业补贴减少给美国农场主造成了困难。The mayor vowed to reduce crime.市长郑重承诺要减少犯罪活动。The president has agreed to whittle down his proposal.总统已经同意减少他的提案。New ways of reducing the damage to the environment are urgently needed.亟需新措施减少对环境的破坏。Lieutenant Malcolm said she saw no sign that the exodus from Haiti was abating.马尔科姆上尉说,她看不到海地人口大批外流有减少的迹象。The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydney's offer of a subsidy.由于悉尼提供补助金,所以到那里的花费就减少了。They are making every effort to decrease the production cost.他们正尽力减少生产成本。Kelly knocked two seconds off her previous time.凯利把她原先的时间减少了两秒。The first and most stubborn problem was that of reductions in the number of aircraft.最首要也是最棘手的问题是飞机数量的减少It increases/reduces the chance of getting the disease.它增加/减少了患此病的概率。The government wants to reduce the use of private cars.政府希望减少私家车的使用。They seek to reduce inequalities in wealth.他们力争减少财富不均现象。There was an immediate uproar when the company talked about cutting holiday time.公司提出要减少休假时间,马上就引起了鼓噪。Blue-collar workers saw their real earnings diminish.蓝领工人的实际收入在减少We need to reduce our overheads.我们需要减少经常性开支。The courts are sending fewer offenders to prison.法院判处收监的犯人在减少All mergers entail some job losses.所有的合并都会导致一些工作岗位的减少The drop in spending is bad news for retailers.消费支出的减少对零售商来说是个坏消息。Sea-serpent sightings have diminished of late.近来见到海蛇的机会减少了。Environmental groups want a substantial reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.环保组织要求切实减少温室气体的排放量。The government has launched a new road safety campaign in an attempt to reduce the number of road accidents.政府发起了一场新的行车安全运动,目的是减少道路交通事故。




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