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Now such things are commonplace and taken for granted.现在这类事情不足为奇,被大家视为理所当然。The officials felt taken for granted and grumbled loudly.这些官员感到受了怠慢,于是大声抱怨起来。The nurses felt they were taken for granted.护士们觉得自己没有受到重视。The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.经济衰退出其不意地打击了那些先前想当然地认为自己应获得丰厚收入的律师们。We are having to re-educate the public very quickly about something they have always taken for granted.我们现在不得不尽快对公众进行再教育,因为他们一直都认为这是理所当然的。I'm tired of being taken for granted.我厌倦了被认为理应如此。 |