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词汇 冲着
例句 His main complaint was that Mr Green bawled at him during meetings.他主要抱怨的是格林先生在会议期间冲着他大喊大叫。He threw a right/left hook to his opponent's body.冲着对手身体挥了一记右/左勾拳。The coach yelled insults at his team, none of which are printable. 这名教练冲着他的队员大骂,其用词不宜见诸报端。We hailed the passing ship.我们冲着驶过的轮船呼喊示意。The hen clucked at her chicks.母鸡冲着小鸡咯咯叫。Brogan shirtfronted him rather than playing the ball.布鲁甘向他撞来,而不是冲着球去。She sat down and began fanning her face.她坐下来,开始冲着脸扇凉。The dogs snarled at the intruders.那些狗冲着闯入者狂吠不已。The dog was barking furiously at a cat.那条狗冲着一只猫狂吠。She gave her teacher a simpering smile.冲着自己的老师傻笑。He's never raised his voice to me.他从来没有冲着我叫嚷。She prayed she wouldn't come in and find them there, bellowing at each other.她祈祷自己进来后不会看到他们冲着彼此大吼大叫。A sliding tackle with the studs up is illegal in most leagues.在绝大多数联赛中,滑铲时把鞋钉冲着对方球员的腿是不允许的。Martin gave her a cheeky grin.马丁冲着她调皮地笑了笑。That dry old voice rapped a curt question at her.那沙嗄又干枯的嗓音冲着她唐突地发问。He was shouting insults at the lorry driver.冲着卡车司机大声谩骂。She wheeled around and started yelling at us.她突然转身,冲着我们嚷嚷起来。The sergeant bawled at the soldier.士官冲着士兵大喊大叫。He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head.冲着暴戾的父亲的头部猛击了一下,把他打死了。He tossed at them a hardline speech.冲着他们发表了一篇强硬讲话。He'd get very aggravated and shout at the kids over very small things.他会因为微不足道的小事大发雷霆,冲着孩子们喊叫。He suddenly pulled a knife on me.他突然掏出刀子冲着我。She didn't think much of the photographers snapping away at her.她不太在意摄影师们冲着她啪啪地拍照。The bullet was intended for him. 子弹是冲着他射来的。He was hollering across the fields to his workers.他正冲着田地那边他的工人大喊大叫。The car was steering right at us.那车正冲着我们开过来。The impudent boy made faces at the teacher.这个无礼的学童冲着老师做鬼脸。Betsy simpered at him as she spoke.贝齐一边说一边冲着他矫揉造作地笑。The little dogs were yapping at my ankles.小狗崽冲着我的脚脖子汪汪叫。If the Irish come, it's for a jar.如果爱尔兰人来了,就是冲着酒来的。She wagged her finger at the children as she scolded them.她一边冲着孩子们摆动手指,一边叱责他们。I put out my hand to stroke the cat but it spat at me viciously.我伸手去抚摸那只猫,它却冲着我呼噜呼噜地叫了起来。The firemen unwrapped their hoses and began dousing the scorched grain silos.消防员展开水龙带,开始冲着烧焦的谷仓喷水。He blew on his hands to warm them up.冲着双手哈气,好让手暖和些。Inside, he could be seen pacing the carpet and shouting excitedly into his phone.人们能看到他在铺了地毯的屋子里走来走去,冲着电话激动地大喊大叫。She tried a karate move on him.冲着他做了一个空手道动作。If anyone tried to stop me I'd punch him on the nose.要是有人想拦我,我就会冲着他的鼻子给他一拳。The investigation was loaded against me.该调查是冲着我来的。The driver of the truck leant out of the window and yelled at me aggressively.卡车司机探身出窗外,挑衅地冲着我叫骂。They shouted obscenities at us and smashed bottles on the floor.他们冲着我们大骂下流话,还把瓶子摔到地上。




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