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词汇 ads
例句 The President specifically condemned the ads.总统点名谴责了那些广告。People who click on the ads are directed to a landing page that asks for donations.点击链接的访问者会被转到一个要求捐赠的着陆页。The agency is more concerned with making arty ads than understanding its clients' businesses.广告代理商更关心拍摄附庸风雅的广告,而不是了解客户的业务。The committee plans to buy radio/TV airtime for the campaign ads.委员会计划购买电台/电视台的时段播放竞选广告。I read the classified ads religiously.我仔细读了那些分类广告。We have had to ask the agency and their client to tone their ads down.我们不得不要求广告公司及其客户不要在广告里夸大其词。He opened a newspaper and began to peruse the personal ads.他翻开一份报纸,开始浏览征婚启事。The Web page is plastered with ads.网页上尽是广告。I hate the ads that use nauseatingly cute children and animals.我痛恨那种利用可爱的孩子和动物吸引眼球的广告,这种做法令人恶心。I never cared for those come-on ads.我从来不喜欢那些招徕生意的广告。The candidate used overkill: he was way ahead in the polls but spent another million dollers on campaign ads.那个候选人花得过火了:他已经领先他人却又花了一百万元在宣传费上。Meanwhile don't fall for these ads. You're being kippered completely.同时,不要相信这些广告。你完全被蒙蔽了。These products are being aggressively marketed to teenagers through television ads.这些产品正通过电视广告向青少年大肆推销。I read about it in the want ads.我在招聘广告里读到过这个。Most perfume ads cater to male fantasies.大多数的香水广告都迎合男士的幻想。The agency is more concerned with making arty ads than understanding its clients' businesses.这家广告公司更注重如何制作附庸风雅的广告,而忽视了对客户业务的了解。The ads helped the brand to achieve iconic status.这些广告帮助该品牌成为人们追捧的对象。It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.它具有美国竞选活动的典型特征,即通过华而不实的电视广告来吹嘘候选人。When the ads appeared, it was the Democrats' turn to cry foul.广告刊登以后,就轮到民主党抗议了。The newspaper ads plumped the virtues of the new model.报纸广告大力宣传新型号的优点。The ads entice young people to smoke.这些广告诱使年轻人吸烟。He was browsing through the want ads in the newspaper, looking for a job.他正在浏览报纸上的招聘广告找工作。His opponent has run television ads zinging him.他的对手播出电视广告,拿他开涮。Newspaper ads can be helpful in finding the lender with the most favourable interest rates.报纸上的广告可以帮助你找到利率最优惠的贷款人。The ads. ballyhooed the movie's virtues.广告大肆宣扬那部影片的优点。Sometimes there are blank spaces in websites, often where I think ads are supposed to be.有时网页上有一些空白,我想通常是登广告用的。They took out ads in several magazines and newspapers.他们在一些杂志报纸上做了广告。The group accuses the company of degrading women in its ads.那个团体指责公司在广告中侮辱女性。We're all constantly bombarded with television ads.我们都时常处在电视广告的狂轰滥炸之下。The product's success cannot be attributable solely to the ads.该产品的成功不能只归因于广告宣传。Local TV stations ran the ads as a public service.地方电视台作为公益服务播放了那些广告。Prospective buyers should study the small ads in the daily newspaper.打算购物的人应该研究研究日报上的小广告。The ads say the movie will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.广告上说这部电影将会非常有趣。Nearly everybody in the group agreed that in this job market the usual avenues, like searching the want ads, are useless.小组中几乎所有人都认为,在这个就业市场,搜寻招聘广告这类老路是走不通的。The prices of Web ads are tied to the number of visitors the sites have.网络广告的价格是和网站的访客数量联系在一起的。Famous actors often provide voice-overs for ads.著名演员经常为广告配音。The ads ballyhooed the movie's virtues.广告大肆宣扬那部影片的优点。Tonight, Tim Goodman casts a cynical eye on TV ads.今天晚上蒂姆·古德曼将以怀疑的眼光来审视电视广告。You can put your own small ads in local papers.你可以在当地报纸上刊登分类广告。They put classified ads in local papers.他们在当地报纸上刊登了分类广告。




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