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词汇 兴趣
例句 We each have different needs and interests.我们每个人都有不同的需求和兴趣Some students are put off studying his work because of the ornate language of the poetry.一些学生对学习他的作品没有多大兴趣,因为他的诗句结构复杂,辞藻华丽。I suspect this book will have the widest appeal of all.我猜想这本书会引起大家最广泛的兴趣Nothing had begun to interest her so much as folk music.根本没有什么东西曾经像民间音乐那样引起她的兴趣Parisians are said to be jaded and unimpressible.据说什么东西都不能使巴黎人表示出兴趣和留下印象。His father had an abiding interest in nature.他父亲对大自然有着不变的兴趣What you do in your private life is of no interest to me.我对你的私生活毫无兴趣I threw in a question, just to keep the pot boiling while my brain caught up.我插进了一个问题,只是为了在我整理思路时保持大家的兴趣So far, he has shown little stomach for this fight.迄今为止,他对这场争斗未表现出任何兴趣Interest in the show has waxed and waned.人们对这个节目的兴趣已经过了。That deal fell flat. Nobody was interested at all.那交易彻底失败,没有人再有任何兴趣Staff are encouraged to use information resources in furtherance of their own professional interests.员工被鼓励使用信息库以增进对自身的专业兴趣His interest in the Internet was rapidly becoming an obsession.他对互联网的兴趣很快就变为迷恋。Our tastes and interests are so different.我们的爱好和兴趣太不一样了。Early in his career, Piaget became interested in children's development.皮亚杰在事业的早期便开始对儿童的发展产生了兴趣You need to keep your audience interested.你需要抓住观众的兴趣She became interested in Zen Buddhism.她对禅宗佛教产生了兴趣I tried reading the book, but I just couldn't get into it.我试着读这本书,可我就是对它提不起兴趣He had a lifelong interest in mountains.他一生对大山都充满兴趣When we started living together we realized how incompatible we were - our interests were so different.开始共同生活后,我们发现彼此是多么合不来——我们的兴趣差别太大了。I hope it will stimulate renewed interest by British business in Romania.我希望这会重新激起英国企业在罗马尼亚投资的兴趣Brightly colored objects pique a baby's interest.颜色鲜艳的东西会引起婴儿的兴趣He showed a great interest in animals.他对动物表现出极大的兴趣That doesn't interest me in the slightest.那丝毫不能引起我的兴趣Predictably, after the initial media interest, the refugees now seem to have been forgotten.不出所料,媒体最初的兴趣过后,现在看来难民们已被忘记了。He did his work with pleasant unction.他怀着浓厚的兴趣干他的工作。Why the sudden interest?为什么突然有了兴趣Her interest in politics lapsed while she was in medical school.在医学院读书时,她对政治一时没了兴趣She has a morbid interest in funerals.她对葬礼有一种病态的兴趣The director admits that he was less than enthusiastic about the new school uniforms.主任承认说他过去对新校服一点兴趣也没有。After an initial burst of enthusiasm for jogging, I gradually lost interest.一时的热情过去之后,我对慢跑逐渐失去了兴趣His interest in politics has palled over the years.这些年来,他对政治的兴趣减弱了。His interest in painting is spasmodic.他对绘画的兴趣是忽冷忽热的。I lost interest halfway through the book.这本书我刚读了一半就没了兴趣Despite her success, however, it just wasn't much fun anymore. Liz was itching to try something different.尽管她成功了,但是这事她已经没有多大兴趣。莉兹又在渴望尝试别的事情了。Interest in the project shows no sign of slackening.人们对于该计划的兴趣没有降低的迹象。I read with great interest your article concerning the history of the university.我满怀兴趣拜读了你那篇有关这所大学的历史的文章。As she talked, interest heightened.她讲着讲着,人们的兴趣变得浓厚了。His interest was awakened. 他的兴趣被激发起来了。The show is more likely to catch the interest of an older audience.这个节目更有可能引起年长的观众的兴趣




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