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The family's business was horse-breeding.这家人以养马为业。He was able to ride a horse, but had not been taught any of stable lore.他会骑马,但从来没有人教过他养马的知识。Horse breeding is a risky enterprise.养马是一项有风险的营生。The head groom is responsible for seeing that Milton and his stablemates have safe journeys.马夫长负责确保密尔顿及其他来自同一养马场的赛马都安全到达。As a pastime, keeping and riding horses has always been very expensive.养马和骑马作为一种消遣从来就是开销庞大的。Miss Curling won on two horses from Mick Trickey's stable.柯林小姐在来自米克·特里齐养马场的两匹马身上下了注,结果她赢了。Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.养马确实是个有风险的营生。He built his fortune from breeding horses.他靠养马积累了财富。 |