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词汇 bumping
例句 The plane was bumping along the runway.飞机在跑道上颠簸着滑行。Flora was bumping her bags down the steps.弗洛拉把她的行李拖下台阶。I ran after her, bumping against people in my rush.我在后面追她,飞奔之中不断撞到人。He turned on the lamp so that he could find his way without bumping into anything.他打开了灯,这样就能看清路,不会撞上什么东西。He kept marrying rich women and then bumping them off.他接二连三地娶有钱的女人然后再将她们杀死。There was so much furniture you could hardly move without bumping into something.家具太多,稍挪步就会撞到什么东西上。They're bumping her up to district manager.他们要提拔她担任地区经理。We were bumping over the rough ground.我们在崎岖的路面上颠簸而行。He got a lump on his head after bumping into the doorway.他在门口撞了一下,头上鼓起了一个大包。Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture.蒂姆是个笨手笨脚的孩子,老是撞到家具上。The bumping and shaking make extra work for your eyeball muscles.颠簸和摇动给眼球的肌肉带来额外的工作。On he sped, bumping and cannoning through the crowds.他向前飞奔,从人群中横冲直撞穿过。Increasing fuel costs are bumping the company's prices higher.不断上涨的燃油成本推高了公司产品的价格。Babies are always bumping their heads.婴儿总是会碰到头。Small boats were bumping against the wooden pier.小船撞在木墩上。




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