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词汇 to come to
例句 We want you to come to lunch.我们想请你来吃午饭。They had invited me to come to supper and stay the night.他们邀请我共进晚餐并在那里过夜。I don't want any harm to come to these pictures.我不想这些画有任何闪失。Would it be possible for you to come to a meeting on Tuesday?星期二你能来开会吗?The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time.总统没能认识到我们这一时期最重要的两个社会问题。The teacher pointed at Marcus and told him to come to the front of the class.老师指指马库斯,叫他站到全班同学面前。I found his sudden refusal to come to the wedding completely baffling.他突然拒绝出席婚礼,让我觉得极为费解。I asked him to come to the exhibition but he'd already seen it.我请他去看展览,可他早就看过了。He's a hard man, nothing could hold him back to come to the club in time.他是一个古板墨守成规的家伙,什么也不会延误他准时到达俱乐部的。His mother couldn't muster the strength to come to the ceremony.他的母亲没能攒足体力来参加典礼。The loser of the purse was told to come to the police and claim his property.失落钱包的那个人被通知去警察局认领。If the issue is not packaged correctly, it will not get voters to come to the polls.如果这件事包装不当,选民就不会参加投票。We are so happy that you were able to come to the party.你能来参加聚会,我们很高兴。That would ease the way for them to come to power.那将使他们更加容易上台执政。The naughty child had to come to heel when he went to school.那个顽皮孩子上了学就不得不听话了。You needn't bother to come to my office.你不必特地来我办公室。The glimmerings of an idea began to come to him.他开始有了一个隐约的想法。The two sides have not been able to come to terms.双方没能达成协议。He is trying to come to terms with his club's elimination from the tournament.他在努力接受他的俱乐部在锦标赛中遭到淘汰的事实。She wants Tom to come to her party.她想汤姆来参加她的聚会。Would you care to come to my house for a libation or two?你肯赏光来我家喝上一两杯吗?Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment.史蒂文斯给他留了张便条,要他到他的公寓来。He has urged them to come to an equitable compromise that gives Hughes his proper due.他已经催促他们达成合理的妥协,给予休斯他所应得的报酬。I won't be able to come to the wedding. Please give my excuses to your cousin. 我不能去参加婚礼。请代我向你的堂兄解释道歉。There are thousands of students absolutely gagging to come to this university.有成千上万的学生渴盼能来这所大学上学。I won't be able to come to dinner today, more's the pity.今天我不能赴晚宴,十分遗憾。They are still struggling to come to terms with their grief.他们仍在努力克制他们的悲伤。If you find it inconvenient to come to the office, we can email the files to you.如果你觉得来办公室不方便,我们可以把文件用电子邮件发给你。They got a few Z-list celebrities to come to the party.他们的聚会上请了几名末流明星出席。Many expect the central government to come to the assistance of the ailing industry.许多人都指望中央政府来解救这个不景气的行业。They had somehow to come to terms.他们不管怎样总得达成协议。He had intimated to them his readiness to come to a settlement.他向他们表示过他愿意达成和解。We'd really like you to come to France with us this summer. Please say yes!我们真希望今年夏天你能和我们一起去法国,答应吧!We added up all the advantages and disadvantages and tried to come to a decision.我们全盘估计了种种利弊,力图做出决定。The doctor does not make house calls - you will have to come to her office.这位医生不做出诊,你得去她诊所看病。She waited for the water to come to the boil.她等水烧开。One afternoon when I was home from school, he asked me to come to see a movie with him.一天下午我放了学在家的时候,他邀请我去和他一起看电影。I'm afraid I shall not/shan't be able to come to your party.恐怕我不能参加你的聚会了。If he doesn't want to come to work on time, he can go and look for another job.如果他不想准时来上班,他可以去另找一份工作。You'd be wrong in thinking we don't encourage disabled students to come to the college.如果你认为我们不鼓励残疾学生上大学,那你就错了。




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