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词汇 to come up
例句 I need to come up with an excuse to put off the bill collector.我得找个理由把收账的人打发走。I defy you to come up with a better solution.有本事你拿出一个更好的解决方案来。He urged the administration to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.他敦促政府出台一整套令人信服的方案,以缩减预算赤字。The actors were poised on the stage, ready for the curtain to come up.演员们在台上摆好姿势,只等大幕开启。We've been asked to come up with some new ideas.我们被要求想出些新的点子来。They're holding a competition to come up with a name for the new bridge.他们在举行为新桥取名的比赛。Leaving/Putting aside the question of money for the moment, we need to come up with a workable schedule.现在先不谈钱的问题,我们得拿出一个可行的日程安排。You should use your own initiative to come up with a solution.你应该主动想出一个解决的办法。I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.我敢说你讲不出现任首相的哪怕一项重大成就。You need to come up with a game plan, and stick to it.你需要制定一个行动方案,然后据此行事。The politician asked his writers to come up with new catchphrases. 这名政治家要求他的撰稿人编出一些新的口号。The bank has approved our company's loan, but it demands us to come up with an amortisation schedule.银行已批准了公司的贷款,但它要求公司提出分期摊还的时间表。She dug around in the files hoping to come up with some newsworthy material.她在文件中四处翻,希望能找到些有新闻价值的资料。I can trust you to come up with a practical solution to the problem.我相信你能想出一个针对该问题切实可行的解决办法。The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings.听证会促使总统想出了这些建议。We weren't able to come up with any new suggestions.我们提不出任何新建议。When the company's director failed to come up with the goods, he was out.那位公司董事未能达到要求,因此要离开。And, sure enough, the sun was starting to come up.果然,太阳开始升起来了。After failing to come up with an adequate explanation, Jones was arrested for robbery.琼斯对这次抢劫不能作出充分的解释,于是被拘捕了。The bank has approved our company's loan, but it demands us to come up with an amortization schedule.银行已批准了公司的贷款,但它要求公司提出分期摊还的时间表。You've got no idea of what you're going to come up against.你不清楚你将要面临什么样的问题。The minister criticised the police for failing to come up with any leads.部长批评警方没能找到任何线索。The minister criticized the police for failing to come up with any leads.部长批评警方未能找到任何线索。It's very easy to be an armchair critic but much harder to come up with solutions that will work.坐着空谈是很容易的,但要拿出可行的解决办法来就难得多了。The president belled the secretary to come up.总裁按铃叫秘书上来。I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.我不觉得我一开始就特意为每张专辑设定了不同的曲风。然而,我确实知道当时想要的是什么感觉。It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ingenious plan.设计出如此巧妙的方案需有极大的想像力。Total strangers used to come up to me and tell me how much they'd enjoyed the show.以前常有完全不认识的人走过来对我说他们非常喜欢那次演出。We have tried to come up with a fresh new approach.我们试图找到一种新颖的方法。The puppeteer had asked children in the audience to come up on stage.木偶剧演员邀请观众席中的孩子们上台。They managed to come up with a number of irrefutable arguments.他们成功地提出了一些无可辩驳的论点。He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.他敦促政府和国会出台一整套切实可行的方案,以缩减预算赤字。It's hard for others to come up to the very high standards she sets for herself.其他人很难达到她为自己定出的那么高的标准。




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