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词汇 六个
例句 A grand total of six people showed up for the lecture.总共有六个人出席了这次讲课。It's a real squash with six people in the car.车里坐六个人实在太挤了。Pirandello titled his play 'Six Characters in Search of an Author'.皮兰德娄把他的戏剧命名为《六个寻找作者的剧中人》。The doctor says no bending or lifting for at least six weeks.医生说至少六个星期之内不能弯腰或抬起物件。The tables were organised into six different categories.这些表格被划分为六个不同的类别。The care of six children was a tax on her energies.照料六个孩子成了她精力上很大的负担。There were six people at the meeting in addition to me.除我之外还有六个人参加了会议。Dozens of protesters were held/kept in detention for six hours. 数十名抗议者被关押了六个小时。I can sleep six in my flat at a push.我这套公寓里挤一挤可以睡六个人。The hospital has only just started to keep a record, but so far they have treated six people for this type of injury.医院刚开始作记录,但迄今已治疗了六个受这种伤的病人。I've spent six hours trying to fix my computer, but now I'm at my wit's end.我花了六个小时想要修好我的电脑,但现在我已无计可施。Half a dozen soldiers stood beside it wearing khaki drill uniforms.六个士兵站在旁边,穿着卡其布操练制服。The six people are living on what they can forage and a little food from aid groups and neighbours.六个人靠他们搜寻到的食物和从援救小组及邻居那里得到的一点点食物活命。The food was more than adequate for the six of us.这些食物供我们六个人吃绰绰有余。The car is plenty large enough to fit six people.这辆汽车坐六个人绰绰有余。His mother had had a hard life - had worked her fingers to the bone bringing up six children.他妈妈日子过得很苦一拼命干活养活六个孩子。The doctors advised against any strenuous activity for six weeks.医生建议六个星期内不要进行剧烈活动。They flitted owing six weeks rent.他们悄无声息地跑了,还欠了六个星期的房租。We have room for five people, maybe six at a push.我们有够五个人呆的地方,不得已时也许可以挤下六个人。A cube is a solid with six square faces.立方体是有六个正方形表面的固体。We waded through a huge pile of applications, and finally selected six people to interview.我们费力地看完了一大堆申请书,最后选出了六个人来面试。Six countries voted for the change, five voted against, and two abstained.六个国家投票赞成变革,五个国家反对,两个国家弃权。We made it there in less than six hours.我们只花了不到六个小时就到了那儿。New employees coming aboard in the last six weeks have not been tested.最近六个星期内来的新雇员没有经过考查。It'll take six weeks to get things straightened out.得花六个星期才能把事情理清楚。Six coal mines were mothballed in the hope that they could be reopened in a time of better economic conditions.六个煤矿暂被封存,希望在经济形势转好的时候可以重开。A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar.一伙六个人走进酒吧,冲向吧台。If Jane comes, that will make six of us.如果简来的话,我们就有六个人了。The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves.那位守门员奋力扑救了六个险球。I've been living here for six weeks.我已经在这里住了六个星期了。There were six stalls for horses in the stable.马厩里有六个栏。He sired six children.他是六个孩子的父亲。It's ridiculous that we have to wait six weeks.我们得等六个星期,这太荒谬了。He won his first race by six lengths at evens.他在第一场赛马中以六个马身的优势赢得了同额赌金。It'll be a squeeze with six people in the car.这辆汽车坐六个人会很拥挤。There were six names on the list.名单上有六个名字。Each surface of the die is marked with one to six black dots.骰子的六个面分别有一到六个黑点。With Peter and his mother, there'll be six for lunch tomorrow.把彼得和他母亲算在内,明天有六个人吃午饭。She ticked off six reasons for saying no.她举出了六个拒绝的理由。The entire Spanish fleet was defeated within 6 hours.西班牙海军在六个小时内全军覆没。




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