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词汇 免得
例句 I cupped my hand over the mouthpiece of the phone so they couldn't hear me.我用手捂住电话话筒,免得他们听见我的话。Open the window when you have a shower to stop the mirror misting over.淋浴时打开窗,免得镜子蒙上水汽。The airline has axed transatlantic runs to stem heavy losses.为了免得继续遭受严重的亏损,那家航空公司大刀阔斧地削减了飞越大西洋的班次。We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.我们得安静点,免得吵醒孩子。I won't tire you with a long visit. I just wanted to stop in and see how you were doing.我这次拜访时间不会很长,免得让你感到疲劳,我只是想顺路来看看你怎么样了。I tried to slink out of the room so that nobody would see me go.我试图偷偷溜出房间,免得有人看到我离开。They bunker in their home ports, avoid paying world prices for fuel.他们在本国港口加燃料,免得按国际价格付费。Clean up that mess before your father sees it.快把这乱糟糟的东西收拾干净,免得让你父亲看见。Leave now, lest perchance he find you.现在就走吧,免得不巧让他发现你。Keep the cake in a tin, to prevent it from going hard.把蛋糕放在金属盒子里,免得变硬。Lenders must try and protect themselves against bad debts.放款人必须尽量保护自己,免得出现坏账。Often it was easier to go along with her rather than risk an argument.一般都是随着她比较好,免得发生争吵。Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging.先慢跑热热身,免得拉伤肌肉。What is important is to learn from our mistakes, so that we don't repeat them.重要的是要从我们所犯的错误中学习,免得再犯。I decided I'd better shut my mouth in case I said the wrong thing.我决定还是不开口的好,免得说漏嘴。 She placed a cover over the pan so that the oil wouldn't spatter.她给平底锅盖上盖子,免得油溅出来。Let me write that down before I forget it.让我把它写下来,免得忘记。Tie up your shoelaces before you trip over them.把鞋带系好,免得被绊倒。He was having to whisper in order to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbours.他不得不小声说,免得被爱管闲事的邻居们听到。She went around the puddle to avoid getting dirty.她绕过水坑免得弄脏衣服。We decided to end the discussion before it got out of hand.我们决定停止这场讨论,免得失控。We had to hold the tent down with rocks to stop it blowing away.我们只好用石块将帐篷压住免得被吹走。I won't bore you with the details.我就不讲细节了,免得你烦。Penny jumped out of the way to avoid being hit by the falling branch.彭妮跳开,免得被断落的树枝打到。Dunn copped a plea to avoid going to jail.杜恩坦白交代了,免得坐牢。We had to keep our eyes on the sandy path to avoid the roots and rocks in the way.我们只得很小心地看着沙石路走,免得踩到路上的根茎和石块。He still comes around the gym occasionally, just to keep his hand in.他偶尔还来健身房,免得生疏了。Take those dirty shoes off before you muck up the floor.把脏鞋脱掉,免得弄脏地板。Don't underestimate this club or you'll be left with egg on your face. I've got one of the best squads ever in the Premier League.可别小瞧本俱乐部,免得自己弄得脸上无光。我有超级联赛中最好的一支球队。The problem must be rectified before disappointment sets in.这一问题必须矫正,免得让大家失望。You've said enough. Please leave before you do any more damage.你说得够多了。请你走开,免得造成更多不好的影响。You should at least work part-time, just to keep your hand in.你至少应该做一份兼职工作,免得生疏了。It would be best to deal with these issues at once, before a crisis arises.这些问题最好马上处理,免得发生危机。I got up early so that I wouldn't miss my flight.我起得很早,免得误了航班。I'll take the shopping home in the car to save you carrying it.我会把买的东西放在车里带回家,免得你用手拎着。He soon saw he'd have to watch his step with some of these guys.他很快就明白自己得小心,免得惹恼了这帮家伙中的某些人。He was having to whisper to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbours.他不得不小声说,免得被爱管闲事的邻居们听到。Wrap the plates in newspaper to stop them from breaking.用旧报纸把盘子包起来,免得打碎。Tall plants need supports to stop them being blown down.长得高的植物需要支撑,免得被风刮倒。Make a list of what you need to bring so you don't overlook anything.把你要带的东西列一张清单,免得遗漏。




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