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词汇 adopting
例句 The tone of the feminist speakers suggested they were adopting a somewhat defensive posture.女权主义发言人的口气表明她们的戒心相当重。We are adopting changes to this rule to conform it to the new communications scheme.我们正对这个规定进行修改以顺应新的通信方案。A strong case exists for adopting a similar system in this country.有充分的证据表明这个国家也应该采取相似的体制。Many companies are adopting a flatter management structure.许多公司将采用内部层次更少的管理结构。NASA is hedging its bets and adopting both strategies.美国国家航空航天局做了两手准备,两套策略双管齐下。Chinese babies are the favorite choice of Americans adopting children from abroad.中国的婴儿是美国人领养海外儿童的首选。The company has been ahead of the curve in adopting new technologies. 这家公司在采用新技术方面一马当先。The meeting was unanimous in adopting the proposals.会上一致决定采用这个建议。Becoming a member of a society means adopting its values.成为某个社会的一员意味着要接纳这个社会的价值观。Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。There are lots of bureaucratic hurdles to deal with when adopting a child.要收养儿童,必须克服许多官僚体制上的难关。The new law is intended to further formalize the process of adopting children from overseas.这条新的法规目的是为了进一步明确收养外国儿童的手续。Jamaica's socialist government is adopting US-inspired free market practices.牙买加的社会主义政府正在仿效美国实行自由市场。He probably would become much less constrained in adopting terrorist action.他可能会变得更不加节制地采取恐怖行为。Different circumstances involve adopting different tactics.不同的情势需采用不同的策略。In Hollywood, white stars are adopting black idioms, dress styles and manners.在好莱坞,白人明星也采用了黑人的惯用语、衣着打扮和行为方式。The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion.领养小孩后怀孕的妇女比比皆是。The company undertook an extensive feasibility study before adopting the new system.采用新系统之前,该公司进行了广泛的可行性研究。Both sides in the dispute have been adopting a tone of moral righteousness.纠纷双方说起话来都是冠冕堂皇。




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