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The two boys were like their mother in character, but Louise took after her father.两个男孩子性格像母亲,但路易丝像父亲。He laughed with pleasure when people said he looked like his dad.人们说他长得像父亲时,他乐得大笑起来。Do you mind if I give you some fatherly advice?我像父亲一样给你提建议,你介意吗?He has been like a father to me.他对我一直像父亲一样。You have been like a father to me.你一直像父亲一样待我。The boys were like their father, but Louise took after her mother.男孩们长得像父亲,但路易丝像她的母亲。He's been a father figure to me.他对我来说就像父亲一样。He didn't want to end up like his father.他不想最终落得像父亲那样的结局。He was a fatherly shoulder to cry on when things went wrong.当出现问题时,他是一个像父亲一样可以倾诉的人。He was a father to me after my own father died.我父亲死后,他对我就像父亲一样。Increasingly, men will father their partner's children from previous relationships.越来越多的情况是,男人们将像父亲一样抚养其伴侣与其前任所生的孩子。She believed her daughter needed a father figure.她认为女儿需要一个像父亲一样的人。Dan took a paternal interest in my work.丹像父亲一样关心我的工作。 |