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词汇 consciously
例句 Self-consciously she fingered the emeralds at her throat.她局促不安地摸抚着脖子上的绿宝石。She was probably not consciously aware of her true feelings.也许她没有意识到自己真实的感情。She was fiddling self-consciously with her wedding ring.她局促不安地摸着婚戒。I think we both consciously try not to score points off each other.我想我们俩都有意识地不占对方便宜。He got up rather self-consciously and walked towards the stage.他忸怩地站起身朝舞台走去。The boys posed rather self-consciously for the photo.男孩子们拍这张照片时姿势很不自然。Sometimes we are not consciously aware of these feelings.有时候我们没有意识到这些情感。Klessmann ate self-consciously, pecking at the food, a crumb at a time.克勒斯曼拘谨地小口吃着,每次只吃一点点。I glanced down at my dress jacket a little self-consciously.我不好意思地低头扫了一眼自己的连衣裙外套。Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour.她的故事有意采用富于青春气息的笔调和情节,同时还带些调侃。Architects are consciously trying to re-create a true Chinese vernacular.建筑师们正在有意识地重新创立一种真正中国式的建筑风格。Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died.父亲去世后,索菲并没有刻意去寻找一个替代者。He self-consciously smoothed his hair.他特意把头发弄顺滑了。The world which the book inhabits seems too self-consciously literary, too introverted.该书所描绘的世界似乎过分刻意地追求文学性,过于内敛含蓄。His writing is self-consciously poetic.他的作品富有诗意,但颇不自然。She realized how tense she was and consciously relaxed.她发觉自己很紧张,于是有意识地放松了一下。They consciously promote racial antagonism between white and black workers.他们蓄意挑拨白人工人和黑人工人进行种族对抗。People constantly make decisions, consciously or unconsciously.人们总是出于有意或无意做决定。They tried to model the election campaign consciously on Clinton's success.他们试图有意识地仿效克林顿的成功竞选之路。Quite consciously, I set my sights on the best-looking boy in the whole school.我相当刻意地一,心要追求全校最英俊的那个男孩。I wasn't consciously trying to upset you.我并不是故意要惹你不高兴的。I don't think she was consciously trying to hurt your feelings.我认为她不是故意想要伤害你的感情。The company had consciously moved away from a downmarket image to a more upmarket one.那家公司有意识地摆脱低端形象,向较高端形象转型。He did not consciously remember stealing the money.他并不记得偷过那些钱。Most school teachers do not consciously discriminate between their students.大多数学校教师都不会有意区别对待自己的学生。The place is as self-consciously trendy as they come.这个地方非常有意识地追求时髦。I wasn't consciously aware of having laughed.我没有意识到自己笑了。Sometimes we are not consciously aware of these feelings.有时候我们没有清楚地意识到这些感觉。Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died.父亲去世后,索菲并没有刻意地寻找替代他的人。Even before you are consciously aware of being afraid, your body may be reacting.在清醒地意识到害怕之前,身体也许已作出反应了。




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