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词汇 conscious
例句 Tess was conscious of neither time nor space.泰丝意识不到时间,也意识不到空间。She remained conscious throughout the operation.整个手术过程中她都保持神志清醒。Emma is a price-conscious homemaker.爱玛是个节省的家庭主妇。He started to get self-conscious about his weight.他开始对自己的体重敏感起来。Some young people become self-conscious and tongue-tied in early adolescence.一些年轻人在刚进入青春期时会变得羞怯和寡言少语。We have made a conscious effort to devolve responsibility.我们已有意识地下放职权。We live in a class-conscious society.我们生活在一个有阶级意识的社会里。I became conscious of someone watching me.我意识到有人在看我。I'm very conscious of my weight.我很在意自己的体重。Stars are courted by manufacturers who value their influence on style-conscious fans.生产商竞相讨好明星,他们看重的是明星对追求时尚的追星族的影响力。America is perceived of as being less class-conscious than Britain.人们认为美国社会等级意识没有英国强烈。Rescuers found Campbell, who was conscious and coherent.营救队员找到了坎贝尔,他还是清醒的,而且思路清晰。Stars are courted by manufacturers who value their influence on style-conscious fans.生产商竞相讨好明星,看重的是他们对时尚追星族的影响力。The patient was fully conscious during the operation.在手术过程中病人神志完全清醒。The patient is not yet fully conscious.病人还没有完全清醒。He is environmentally conscious. 他有环保意识。No conscious courage was operant in me.在我身上自觉的勇气不起作用。When you go to sleep it is only the conscious mind that shuts down. The subconscious cannot do so.当你睡眠时只是意识暂停了,潜意识是不会停止的。I was not conscious of having made a mistake.我没意识到犯了错误。He's always been rather self-conscious.他一直很害羞。She was a little conscious in her manner.她举止不大自然。Try to keep the patient conscious.设法使病人保持清醒。If at any point you feel yourself becoming tense, make a conscious effort to relax.如果什么时候感到紧张,就有意识地放松。The speaker looked self-conscious.演讲人显得不大自然。His mother was catty, status-conscious and loud.她母亲为人刻薄,势利眼,嗓门又大。He made a conscious effort to look as though he was enjoying himself.他有意竭力显出一副很快乐的样子。Racism operates at many levels, conscious and unconscious.种族主义在许多层面上有意识或无意识地产生影响。She is fashion-conscious, sexy and smart.她讲究时尚,性感,精明。Is the patient conscious yet?这个病人还有意识吗?The young, health-conscious female consumer is our target market.年轻而注重保健的女性消费者是我们的目标市场。I felt a bit self-conscious in my swimming costume.我穿着游泳衣觉得有点害羞。I am conscious of your great kindness to me.我感觉到了你对我的善意。He was conscious of a clock ticking.他听到了钟的嘀嗒声。I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother's intense gaze.在卢克母亲审视的目光下,我感到极不自在。Even the most security-conscious computer user is under constant threat from computer viruses.即使安全意识最强的计算机用户也会不断受到计算机病毒的威胁。Sports drinks have caught on as consumers have become more health-conscious.随着消费者健康意识的增强,运动型饮料开始流行起来。She looked self-conscious and guilty.她看上去很不自然,很内疚的样子。Dylan's latest record is a conscious attempt to break away from his old image and try out a new style.迪伦最近的一张唱片有意想打破自己旧有的形象,尝试一种新的风格。A neighbour found her semi-conscious on the floor.一位邻居发现她半睡半醒地躺在地板上。Teenagers are often very self-conscious about their appearance.青少年往往对自己的外貌很在意。




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