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词汇 停止
例句 The guard stopped his humming and turned his head sharply.守卫停止了哼唱,猛地转过头。The government has so far withheld approval of the drug.政府目前已停止批准销售此药。The conductor rapped the music stand with his baton and the violins stopped playing.指挥用指挥棒笃笃地敲击乐谱架,小提琴手便停止了演奏。When manufacturers refused to play ball, the company stopped buying.当制造商拒绝合作时,公司停止了购买。All motion stopped.所有运动都停止了。His heart stopped beating.他的心脏停止了跳动。The nation closed its doors to immigrants.那个国家已停止让移民进入。All thinking people realize that we must stop wasting our natural resources.所有有头脑的人都意识到,我们必须停止浪费自然资源。Rescue attempts were stopped because of bad weather.救援行动因天气恶劣而被迫停止The high winds are expected to desist tomorrow.大风预计将于明天停止The defence rested its case without presenting a single witness.被告方未提出一个证人就自愿停止对该案的辩论。Many people who diet put on even more weight when they stop, creating a vicious circle.许多节食的人停止节食后体重增加得更多,造成了一种恶性循环。When is the violence going to stop?暴力什么时候才会停止We turned in the game when it began to rain.天开始下雨时我们停止了比赛。While insisting the practice must stop, the Minister had no plans to take legislative power to achieve that objective.尽管部长坚决主张停止这一做法,但并未打算通过立法来实现这一目标。My parents decided to punish me by withdrawing financial support.我的父母决定通过停止经济支持来惩罚我。The fighting has stopped, but the situation is still critical.战斗已经停止,但形势依然严峻。The rescue mission had to be aborted.救援任务不得不停止The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January.公司停止了运营并在一月开始变卖资产。She's never been able to get him out of her mind.她从来没办法停止对他的想念。The phone company is required to give you prior notice before disconnecting your service.电话公司在停止提供服务之前按规定应该事先通知你。Morgan stopped using drugs and alcohol six years ago when he entered a long-term treatment program.摩根六年前参加了一个长期治疗计划,自此就停止吸毒和酗酒了。This waste of the earth's resources must stop.这种浪费地球资源的行为必须停止Sue managed to quiet them both down and eventually stopped the argument.休终于让他们俩都平静了下来,最后停止了争吵。The group's manifesto focused on helping the poor and stopping violence.这个组织的宣言将重点放在帮助穷人和停止暴力上面。If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. By the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat.停止锻炼会使肌肉萎缩、脂肪增加。同样,如果花更多的精力锻炼,就会减掉脂肪。He stopped speaking, struck by a sudden thought.他突然产生了一个想法,便停止了讲话。The baby was dying, but the doctors did not give it up.婴儿已奄奄一息,但医生并没停止抢救。People are criticizing the government's coldhearted plans to stop funding programs for the poor.人们抨击政府停止向穷人提供资助的冷酷计划。He wanted to stop but decided to continue for the time being.他原想停止,但又决定暂且继续干下去。The first step in managing your debt is to stop incurring it.管理债务的第一步是停止产生新的负债。The photographer stopped clicking and hurried around the corner.摄影师停止按动快门,匆匆绕过拐角。When he stopped taking his medication, he became suicidal.停止用药时产生了自杀倾向。It riles me when he won't stop whistling.他一个劲儿地吹口哨,硬是不肯停止,把我惹火了。His secretary stopped taking notes to gape at me.他的秘书停止了记录,目瞪口呆地望着我。My mother never stopped mourning for my sister Frances, who died when she was four.姐姐弗朗西丝在四岁时夭折了,母亲从来都没有停止过为她哀痛。Once the printing processes have been put in motion, they're not so easy to stop.印刷工序一旦启动,就不容易停止了。I think we should stop; do you agree?我觉得我们该停止了,你同意吗? We canceled our magazine subscription when we moved.搬家后我们就停止订阅杂志了。The engineers stopped the countdown because something was wrong with the engine.工程师停止了倒计时,因为发动机出了故障。




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