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词汇 outnumbered
例句 The Greek infantry soldiers are very adept at forming phalanx to deal with enemies when they were outnumbered.希腊的步兵们非常擅于使用方阵来对付数目强大的敌人。They are certainly outnumbered by the Social Democrats.他们在数量上肯定不及社会民主党人。The few men in the audience were greatly outnumbered by the women. 观众中女性的数量远远超过那几个零星的男性的数量。He was outnumbered and overpowered.他寡不敌众而被制服。We were heavily outnumbered by an enemy that was much better armed and equipped.敌人的数量比我们多得多,武器装备也远远好于我们。His troops were hopelessly outnumbered.他的军队在人数上大大少于敌军。We found ourselves hopelessly outnumbered by the enemy.我们发现敌军的人数已经远远超过了我们。The English were outnumbered and outgunned, but they fought heroically.虽然英国人在人数和武器上都占下风,但他们却英勇作战。Despite being outnumbered, they managed to fight back bravely.尽管数量上处于劣势,他们仍英勇地进行还击。We were outnumbered and surrounded. Such being the case , we had to surrender.我们寡不敌众,而且身陷重围。事已至此,我们不得不投降。They outnumbered us five to one.他们的人数是我们的五倍。Although they were outnumbered by the enemy, the men refused to give ground.尽管他们与敌军力量悬殊,战士们却谁也不肯退却。The invading army was outnumbered and was forced to pull out. 入侵军队因寡不敌众而被迫撤出。The soldiers were outnumbered and were forced to pull back. 士兵们因寡不敌众而被迫撤退。The army of communicators far outnumbered the politicians in the hall.会场上的传媒人员人数远远超过政治家的人数。The yeas outnumbered those who voted against the bill.对议案投赞成票的人超过投反对票的人。We students outnumbered our teachers.我们学生人数比老师多。The city's defenders were outnumbered by the besieging army.在数量上,守城者不及围城的军队。The Spanish were hopelessly outnumbered in the battle.西班牙人在战斗中的人数处于绝对劣势。




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