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Once he starts talking, there's no holding him back. 一旦他打开话匣子,就停不下来了。They never stop arguing.他们争吵永远停不下来。Once old Mulrooney got started there was no stopping him - that man could talk the hind leg off a donkey.老马尔鲁尼一打开话匣子就停不下来,他可真是话多啊。He was laughing uncontrollably.他笑得停不下来。She thought she could never stop until convulsive sobs racked her even more.她想如果不是因为抽泣让她更加难受,恐怕她永远也停不下来。He went on, apparently unable to stop.他仍在继续,看上去停不下来了。She's a very busy person who's constantly in motion.她是个忙得停不下来的人。 |