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词汇 brother
例句 They ended up living in the house of Jeanne's oldest brother.他们最后住在珍妮的大哥家。This is my big brother, Jake.这是我的哥哥杰克。My little brother is always trying to pinch me.我的小弟弟老是想拧我。He was not on speaking terms with his brother or sisters.他和兄弟姐妹互不说话。She took a playful swipe at her brother.她玩笑般地朝她弟弟挥手打去。I invested in the company on the strength of my brother's advice.在我兄弟的建议下,我投资了这家公司。Bob's younger brother was a bad actor.鲍伯的弟弟表现恶劣。When I was little my older brother would tickle me till tears ran down my face.我小时候,哥哥会胳肢我直到我眼泪都流下来。How long has your brother been a soldier?你兄弟当了多长时间的兵了? Anna helped Rachel re-establish her connection with her brother.安娜帮助蕾切尔和她弟弟重新取得了联系。He gave his brother a bear hug.他紧紧地拥抱了弟弟。My brother had his hands full with his brokerage business.我的兄弟忙于自己的经纪业务。It's easy to mix him up with his brother; they look so alike.很容易把他和他的兄弟认错,他们长得那么像。Her brother served at a clothing shop and rigged her out when he could.她哥哥在服装店工作,只要他办得到就替她添置衣服。My brother tans very fast.我兄弟一晒就黑。He identified the coat as his brother's.他认出那件外衣是他兄弟的。They jeered at him for bringing his little brother.他们嘲笑他带了自己的弟弟来。He could never hope to match his brother's success.他别指望取得与他哥哥一样的成功。My brother and I are five years apart in age.我和我哥哥相差五岁。Julie's nice, but I don't really get on with her brother.朱莉很不错,但我和她弟弟不太投契。He loved his brother deeply.他深爱自己的弟弟。A stranger who said he was my father's brother had arrived to lay claim to his fortune.一个自称是我父亲弟弟的陌生人来了,声称对父亲的财产有继承权。Your brother is a very different kettle of fish from you.你的兄弟和你完全不同。I forget the exact age difference between Mark and his brother - they're two or three years apart.我记不太清楚马克和他弟弟差几岁了——不是两岁就是三岁。My brother has a lot of faults, but we forgive him because he's family.我的弟弟有很多坏毛病,但因为是家人我们都很宽容他。He married the wife of his late brother.他娶了已故哥哥的妻子。My brother's always bossing me around and making me clean up after him.我哥哥总是把我差来遣去的,要我跟在他后面收拾东西。The three sisters allied against their elder brother.三姊妹联合起来反对哥哥。I've always looked up to my older brother.我对哥哥一向敬佩。She's been supplanted in her aunt's affections by her brother.她在她姑母心中的地位已被她兄弟取代了。Her brother's a lazy sponger.她哥哥是个懒惰的寄生虫。In talking about his past, the book makes much of the influence of his brother. 关于他的过去,书中认为哥哥对他的影响很大。Her brother snatched the letter and tore it open.她的哥哥一把夺过那封信,把它撕开。He sacrificed his own career so that his avaricious brother could succeed.他牺牲了自己的事业,这样他贪婪的弟弟才能成功。One brother is a cashier and the other sells.一个哥哥是出纳员,另一个哥哥当推销员。Her brother's success and popularity always made her feel inadequate.她哥哥的成功和声望总让她感觉自愧不如。I don't mind your brother coming to stay, but I draw the line at him moving in!我不介意你弟弟来住几天,但他要搬进来住我是不答应的!We played my brother's school at basketball and beat them hollow.我们跟弟弟学校的小队进行了篮球比赛,轻而易举就赢了他们。He made a big dig at his boastful brother.他狠狠挖苦他那个喜欢自吹自擂的兄弟。When my brother left for college, I inherited his old computer.我哥哥去读大学的时候,他的旧电脑就归我了。




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