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词汇 侵害
例句 You need to safeguard your computer against viruses.你要保护你的电脑不受病毒侵害Effective programs are available to safeguard your data against computer viruses.可以找到效果好的程序保护数据,使其免遭电脑病毒侵害They have expressed concern that the new law may infringe on religious freedom.他们对于新法律可能会侵害宗教信仰自由一事表示了关切。Many of the gang's victims refused to give information to the police because they feared reprisals.许多受到过这帮歹徒侵害的人都拒绝给警方提供信息,因为他们害怕遭到报复。Most interestingly, they are demanding that a national working party on crimes against women and children be established.最令人关注的是,他们要求针对侵害妇女和儿童的犯罪成立全国专案组。Garlic was once thought to protect people against evil spirits.大蒜曾被认为能保护人们免受邪神侵害My rose bushes are being attacked by aphids.我的蔷薇花丛正在遭受蚜虫的侵害The corn was ashed to keep away weevils.庄稼被撒上灰以防象鼻虫侵害Employees' rights were trampled underfoot when the company was taken over.公司被接管时员工的权利受到了侵害My roses were suffering from fungus.我的玫瑰受到真菌的侵害He vowed revenge for the crime perpetrated on his family.他发誓要为家人受到的侵害报仇。Bark can be used to protect the plants against slugs.茎皮可用来保护植物免受鼻涕虫的侵害Wood lice attack living plants and gnaw the stems.潮虫会侵害活的植物并啃食植物的茎。Society is entitled and bound to protect itself against a cult of violence.社会有权力和义务保护自身不受暴力行为的侵害The birds have to be protected from foxes and other predators.必须保护鸟类免受狐狸和其他肉食动物的侵害Our production must not prejudice the rights and working conditions of people in other countries.我们的生产不能侵害其他国家人民的权利和工作条件。The spray protects plants from attacks by many common pests.喷雾杀虫剂使植物免受许多常见害虫的侵害It would be wrong to assume that rich countries will always be able to insulate themselves with drugs against the ravages of new diseases.要是以为富国总能为自己备好药物以抵御新发疾病的侵害,那就错了。How quickly civil liberties can be eroded is graphically illustrated by our front-page story.我们的头版新闻报道生动地阐明了公民自由是多么容易受到侵害A number of trees have been attacked by the disease.许多树遭到这种疾病的侵害A member of parliament mustn't hit a fellow member; that would be a breach of privilege.议员不应殴击同僚,否则就是侵害议员权。The attorney argued that the decision involved prejudice to his client.律师论辨说这一裁决侵害了他的委托人。The company's controversial workplace policies had resulted in a long list of aggrieved parties.该公司颇具争议的工作场所规定已经侵害了不少人的权利。The accused pleaded guilty to two counts of assault.被告承认犯有两项侵害罪。Our personal liberty is being eroded.我们的人身自由正在受到侵害Many victims of crime are reluctant to press charges against their attackers.许多罪案的受害者不愿意指控侵害他们的人。These phone calls are a gross invasion of privacy.这些打来的电话是严重侵害个人隐私的行为。Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems.木虱会侵害活体植物并啃咬它们的茎。His detention was an infringement of his civil liberties.将他拘禁侵害了他的公民自由。Early identification of adolescents at risk for violence is needed.及早识别有遭受暴力侵害危险的青少年是必要的。The refugees fell prey to criminal gangs.难民们受到犯罪团伙的侵害The charm, it's claimed, protects the wearer from evil spirits.这个护身符据说可以使佩戴者免受邪灵侵害Illegally priced steel is eroding the market.非法定价的钢材正在侵害市场。Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human-rights abuses.一些外国政府似乎很乐于搪塞持续发生的侵害人权问题。Unfortunately, the carved ceilings have suffered woodworm attack over the years.可惜的是,多年来雕花的屋顶一直遭到蛀虫的侵害The virus attacks the body's red blood cells.这种病毒侵害身体内的血红细胞。Some workers at the power station were exposed to high levels of radiation.这个核电站的一些工人受到了高强度辐射的侵害The missile system, Bush maintains, will protect the US against so-called rogue states.布什坚持说导弹系统可以保护美国不受所谓的无赖国家的侵害




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