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词汇 men and women
例句 All the people,men and women,old and young have plunged into war in the wartime.战时所有男女老少都投入到战争中去。Aged men and women are encouraged to leave work before normal retirement to release jobs for younger, unemployed people.老年男女受到鼓励在未到正常退休年限就离职,以将职位让给年龄较轻的失业人员。Homosexual men and women are campaigning for equal rights.同性恋男女在为自己争取平等的权利。Police units were augmented with newly recruited men and women.警察部队以新招收的男女扩大了自己的队伍。Sondheim's book traces the changing nature of the relationship between men and women.桑德海姆的这本书探索男女之间关系的变化。The novel's central theme is the perennial conflict between men and women.小说的主题是男人和女人之间永无休止的冲突。There are separate restrooms for men and women.有男女分开使用的卫生间。For a great many men and women, romance can be a most important part of marriage.对于无数男女而言,浪漫是婚姻中极其重要的一部分。Young men and women can learn a trade in the military.军队里的青年男女可以学一门手艺。The church has inspired countless compassionate men and women to help the needy in times of famine, war, and plague.在饥荒、战争和发生瘟疫的时期,教会动员了无数有同情心的男男女女来帮助需要的人。Let us make sure that these brave men and women did not die for nothing.我们绝不会让这些勇士们白白牺牲。His audience ranges from young children to, on the other side of the spectrum, retired men and women.他的观众里既有小孩子,也有退休的老头、老太太。He screws around with both men and women.他既搞女人又搞男人。We want to pay special tribute to the men and women who have given their lives in service of their country.对那些为国捐躯的男女,我们谨致以特别的敬意。Columns of men and women were making their way towards the central square.一队队的男男女女正走向中央广场。The Treaty of Rome states that men and women shall receive equal pay for equal work.《罗马条约》中规定,男女应该实行同工同酬。He believed that all men and women were equal.他认为男女是平等的。There is a single standard for men and women.对男性和女性的标准是同一个。She is full of fascinating theories about men and women.她头脑里充满了关于男人和女人的非常有趣的看法。Emigration had carried to its shores shoals of men and women.移民使成群结队的男男女女来到了它的海岸。The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.这些发现表明男性和女性之间存在着重大的意见分歧。There were no divisions between men and women, slave or freeman, Jew or Gentile.男人和女人,奴隶和自由民,犹太人和非犹太人之间,并没有什么界限。The unequal treatment of men and women in the labour market is deeply entrenched in our culture.劳动力市场男女不平等的现象在我们的文化中根深蒂固。The same general guidelines on when to dress formally apply to both men and women.何时着正装的一般性准则男女均适用。He joined the crowds of men and women fighting the fire.他加入了救火的人群。The department is staffed with an equal number of men and women.这个部门男女员工人数相等。On Saturday nights, the cinema is besieged by young men and women.周末晚上,电影院周围挤满了青年男女。Manic depressive illness affects men and women equally.男人和女人患狂躁抑郁症的概率相等。Young men and women must quench their desire to marry early in life.青年男女一定要克制早婚的欲望。These days both men and women pump iron for fitness.现在不论男女都举重健身。Able young men and women are still held back from success by prejudice.能干的青年男女仍因偏见而不能成就事业。His study found that married men and women had similar spending patterns.他的研究发现,已婚男人和女人的消费模式相似。The programme started from the premise that men and women are on equal terms in this society.这个项目是以这个社会男女平等为前提的。The law will apply equally to men and women except in the case of maternity leave.除了产假方面,该法律对男女都同样适用。It's exciting to think that so many great men and women have made speeches on this spot.想到那么多伟人曾在此地发表过演说,真让人激动。Opportunities for men and women, though especially the latter, are limited to employment in agriculture or domestic service.男女的就业机会,尤其是后者,局限于农业或家务方面。I would like to give a shout-out to all the men and women in our armed forces.我想向我军全体将士表示问候。We are making steady progress towards equal status for men and women.我们在实现男女平等的问题上取得了稳步的进展。Manic-depressive illness affects men and women equally.男女患躁狂抑郁症的几率均等。The company employs men and women in roughly equal proportions.公司聘用的男员工与女员工人数大致相等。




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