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词汇 体积
例句 Let the bread rise to twice its original volume.让面包发酵到原来体积的两倍。The larger goods are displayed on raised platforms.体积较大的商品摆在凸起的平台上。Despite its bulk and weight, the Mercedes handles like a small car.尽管梅塞德斯汽车体积庞大笨重,但操控起来像一辆小巧的汽车。The entire stereo system is not much bigger than a breadbox.这套立体声音响的体积比面包盒大不了多少。Furniture is so bulky, it takes so much room.家具体积太大,占了太多空间。The box isn't heavy but it has an awkward shape and size. 这箱子并不重,但它的形状和体积让人不好搬。We are expanding our offering to include smaller, less expensive prints.我们正增加产品种类,生产体积更小、价格更低的打印机。The volume of a gas is in inverse ratio to its pressure.气体的体积与压力成反比。The sheer weight and bulk of the car makes it safe to drive. 这辆车自重和体积都大,开起来很安全。When water turns to steam, it expands.水变成水蒸气时体积会膨胀。Their weight is small relative to their size.相对于体积来说,它们的重量太轻了。The computers of tomorrow will be smaller and more powerful.未来的计算机体积更小,功能更强大。The sheer size of the building was amazing.那幢建筑物光从体积上说已令人叹为观止了。Most liquids contract steadily as they cool.大多数液体冷却时,体积会逐渐缩小。For such a small device this PC is a good performer.体积这么小就有如此性能,这台计算机相当不错。The volume of gas trapped on these surfaces can be considerable.存留在这些表面的气体体积可能相当大。Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size, mass, and density.天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。They keep bringing out smaller phones.他们不断推出体积更小的电话。The size of the machine makes me doubt its practicality for use in the home.这种机器的体积让我对它在家中的适用性感到怀疑。When egg whites are beaten they can rise to seven or eight times their original volume.打过的蛋清,体积可以涨到原来的七八倍。The graph shows that gas volume increases with temperature.图表表明气体的体积随着温度的上升而增加。We measure the items by weight, not by volume.这些商品我们是按重量而不是体积来测量。The new computer is as good as the old one, with the added advantage of being smaller.新的电脑和旧的一样好,另外还具有体积较小的优点。




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