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词汇 受教育
例句 Education was once the prerogative of the elite.受教育曾是上等阶层的特权。Home education is extremely time-consuming for the parents.对父母来说,让孩子在家里受教育是十分耗时的。Children could be compelled to work on the farm, effectively denying them schooling.孩子们可能被迫在农场劳作,这事实上剥夺了他们受教育的权利。He was at a disadvantage because of the poor education he had received.由于受教育程度低,他处于劣势。She was educated in England in the 1930s.她三十年代在英国受教育He was deprived of his rights to education.他被剥夺了受教育的权利。He was held down by his lack of education.他因受教育不够总是低人一等。Your education ran away with most of my money.受教育花掉了我的大部分金钱。The program is intended to promote adult literacy among people who have had very little schooling.这个课程旨在提高受教育程度低的成年人的读写能力。It was wrong of him to strip his daughter of the right to education.他不该剥夺他女儿受教育的权利。They chose to investigate reasons for the preponderance of large families among the poor and ill-educated.他们选择了调查穷人和受教育程度低下的人群中大家庭占多数的原因。Men and women should have equal access to education and employment.男女应当享有平等的受教育和工作的权利。Kelly knew from personal experience that education is a ticket out of minimum-wage work.凯莉从自己的经历得知受教育是摆脱低工资工作的途径。Although he was educated in India, he went to an English-style boarding school.他虽然是在印度受教育,但他上的是一所英式的寄宿学校。To deprive the boy of his education is a violation of state law.不让这个男孩受教育是违反国家法律的行为。Researchers have found that single-sex education may benefit girls.研究人员发现在女校受教育可能有利于女孩成长。Social mobility is often affected by a person's birth, income, and education.社会流动性经常受到一个人的出身、收入和所受教育的影响。He never went to college; he was educated in the school of hard knocks.他从未上过大学,而是从奋斗经历中受教育的。There has been worldwide protest against the ban on girls’ education.世界各地都在抗议这条禁止女孩受教育的禁令。Residents in general are poor and undereducated, and live in sub-standard housing.居民们普遍都很贫穷,受教育程度低,居住条件较差。A student with special needs can stress a school's budget, but the bottom line is that the state must provide for the child's education.有特殊需求的学生可能增加学校财政负担,但归根结底,国家必须给孩子提供受教育的机会。Education needn't only be about furthering your career.受教育并不一定只是要推进一个人的事业。Every section of society must have access to education.社会各阶层都应有受教育的机会。The state is legally bound to provide each child with an education.法律规定国家有义务为每个孩子提供受教育的机会。We acquire much of our world knowledge through education.我们通过受教育获得很多有关世界的知识。Local authorities must provide for the education of all children with learning difficulties.地方当局必须满足全部有学习障碍的孩子受教育的需要。She values educational attainment above all else.她认为受教育是最重要的事。He had been educated in England, which accounted for his proficiency in the English language.他曾在英国受教育,这是他精通英语的原因。In general, it was the better-educated voters who voted Yes in the referendum.在全民公决中投赞成票的通常是那些受教育程度较高的人。It has been an uphill battle/fight/struggle for her to get an education.得到受教育机会对她来说是场艰苦的斗争。We have significantly increased the number of people in education but the size of the classes hasn't changed proportionately.受教育的人数显著增加了,可是班级人数并未相应增加。In countries where there are still not many schools, education is a privilege.在学校还不多的国家里,受教育是一种特权。Her father was thereby relieved of the responsibility of her education.他的父亲因而被免除了负担她受教育的责任。Plantation owners kept slaves down by refusing them an education.种植园主不让奴隶受教育,以此来控制他们。No one is denied an education because they are poor in this country.在这个国家,没有人会因为贫穷而丧失受教育的机会。The boy's parents claim the school's actions have effectively deprived their son of education.男孩的父母称学校的行动实际上剥夺了他们儿子受教育的权利。His work exalts all those virtues that we are taught to hold dear.他的作品颂扬了我们受教育要珍视的所有美德。




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