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词汇 体格
例句 He had the physique of a weight lifter.他有举重运动员的体格Most of the able-bodied young men were in the forces.大多数体格强壮的年轻人都参军了。The man was six feet tall with a heavy build.那个男子有六英尺高,体格魁梧。He has a strong, muscular build. 体格强壮,肌肉发达。He felt overmatched against fitter , stronger players.体格更强健的运动员相比,他感到相形见绌。To be a pilot, one must meet certain physical standards.要当飞行员必须达到体格上的某些标准。He has the physique of a trained athlete.他有着如同训练有素的运动员一般的体格He was a tall man with a powerful physique.他是一个体格强壮的高个子男人。Only animals with strong constitutions are able to survive the island's harsh winters.只有体格强壮的动物才能挨过岛上的严冬。She has the build of an athlete.她有一副运动员的体格The robust and pestilential grey squirrel thrived in the area while the red squirrel disappeared.这种体格强壮、具破坏性的灰松鼠在这一地区大量繁殖,而红松鼠则消失了。High impact aerobics is only for people who are extremely fit.高冲击有氧操只适合体格非常强健的人。The training tested his body to the very limit.这项训练最大程度地检验了他的体格Christie is very powerfully built.克里斯蒂体格非常健壮。He has a strong constitution.体格强壮。He eats a lot in proportion to his body size.相对于体格来说,他饭量挺大。All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall.特罗洛普家的所有男孩都是体格强壮、身材高大。His body is wiry and athletic.他长得清瘦结实,体格健美。She has always had a strong constitution.她的体格一向很健壮。He is in rude health and can cycle 40 or 50 miles non-stop.体格强壮,能连续骑车四五十英里。The dog has a powerful body.这条狗体格强壮。Her body had the muscle tone of her youth.她保持着青年时代的健壮体格As for physique, nature did not deal her an ideal hand, but she trumped every disadvantage.至于体格,她长得并不理想,但她能克服一切缺憾。She's still not strong enough to do any of the heavy jobs.她的体格还不够强壮,无法应付任何一项繁重的工作。Her injuries were horrifying. Only her determination and robust constitution pulled her through.她的伤势很严重,只是凭着坚强的意志和强壮的体格才挺过来的。He is strong and muscular in build.体格强壮,肌肉发达。In games like this it is more important to be mentally tough, than physically fit.在这种比赛中,坚强的意志比强健的体格更为重要。He has the physique and energy of a man half his age.他的体格和精力比得上年龄只有他一半大的人。He has a very powerful, muscular physique.体格强壮,肌肉发达。The mayor is a man of square frame.市长是个体格魁梧的人。A well-built young man in uniform came to our table and asked the time.一个身穿制服、体格健美的年轻人走到我们桌前来问时间。She has the build and strength of a natural athlete.她天生具备运动员的体格和力量。




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