例句 |
The farmer routed his sons out of bed early in the morning.这位农夫一清早就把几个儿子从床上叫起来。They sallied forth early in the morning.他们一清早出发了。Fans began lining up early in the morning to buy their cup-tie tickets.球迷们一清早就开始排队买优胜杯的决赛票。The burial was done early in the morning, without a ceremony.遗体一清早就被埋葬了,没有举行仪式。Early in the morning she waited at the union hall for a job call.一清早她就在工会大厅等候招工。The rooster's crow woke us early in the morning.雄鸡的啼声一清早就把我们吵醒。 |