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词汇 一溜烟
例句 Iwhipped round the corner.一溜烟转过街角。She ran swiftly over the lawn to the gate.一溜烟穿过草地跑到了大门口。He gave me one look and I nipped out. A nod's as good as a wink, you know.他朝我看了一眼,我就一溜烟跑了出去。这就叫心领神会嘛!They got into the car and zoomed off.他们钻进汽车一溜烟地开走了。As soon as I mentioned work, he was out of the door like greased lightning!我刚一提工作的事儿,他就一溜烟似的跑出去了!When he finished his work for the day, he was off home like greased lightning.他当天的工作一做完,便一溜烟地回家了。She's just nipped out for some milk.一溜烟地跑出去买牛奶。He nipped down to the kitchen for a slug of whisky.一溜烟跑到厨房去喝一口威士忌。Wayne is always nipping down to the corner shop for him.韦恩总是一溜烟跑到街角商店找他。He jumped into his car and drove off.他一步跳进汽车,一溜烟地开走了。




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