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词汇 体制
例句 Proportional representation is widely seen as fairer than a British-style first-past-the-post set-up.人们普遍认为,比例代表制比英国的得票多者入选体制更为公平。He accused the president of naked aggression against the country's judiciary.他控诉总统公然侵犯该国司法体制The present welfare system is grossly unfair.现行的福利体制非常不公平。A report has pointed out the defects of the present system.一份报告指出了当前体制存在的毛病。The system is based on administrative convenience rather than public benefit.这一体制是基于管理上的方便,而非公众的利益。Mr Howard is afraid to state his true position on the republic, which is that he is opposed to it.霍华德先生不敢表明自己对共和体制持反对态度的真实立场。When I took the job I thought I could change the system, but it's hard.我接受那份工作时,以为我能改变那种体制,可实际上很难。He became an outspoken opponent of the old Soviet system.他成为旧的苏联体制直言不讳的抨击者。The government lacked the political will to reform the tax system.政府缺乏改革税收体制的政治决断力。The others were all very disobedient and were always trying to kick against the system.其他人都非常叛逆,并一直试图反抗体制He had a quite unshakeable faith in the system.他对该体制有着坚定不移的信念。The present system does little to deter corporate crime.目前的体制对于法人犯罪没有什么威慑作用。This system discourages people from asserting their rights in court.这种体制阻碍了人们在法庭上维护自己的权利。The recession may already be severe enough to ordain structural change.这次经济衰退可能已经严重到必须进行体制变革的地步了。The paper calls for an urgent shake-up in the health-care system.这家报纸呼吁卫生保健体制急需改革。Political hopes for a swift and smooth transition to democracy have been dashed.迅速而顺利地过渡到民主体制的政治希望破灭了。The Japanese tried to graft their own methods on to this different structure.日本人试图将自己的方法移植到这种不同的体制中。The ministers issued an affirmation of their faith in the system.部长们表示了对该体制坚定的信心。The system allows us complete liberty to do the task as we like.这一体制让我们完全自由地按自己的方法完成任务。They have no confidence in the legal system.他们对法律体制没有信心。In a democracy, every citizen should have the right to vote.在民主体制中,每位公民都应该享有选举权。Restrictions on foreign trade are part of the state's economic and legal system.限制外贸是该国经济和法律体制的一部分。The criminal justice system is in need of urgent reform to prevent more people being wrongfully imprisoned.刑事司法体制亟须改革,以防止更多人蒙冤入狱。The system gives workers considerable say in enterprise management.这种体制给工人在企业管理上以相当大的发言权。The system is, unsurprisingly, a breeding ground for corruption.体制无疑是腐败行为的温床。It is believed that the seniority system reduces competition between co-workers.据信资历优先体制会减弱同事之间的竞争。The report takes a close/revealing/hard look at the public school system.这份报告对公立学校的体制进行了认真细致/发人深省/认真彻底的审查。The capitalist system extracts huge profits from arms production at the tax-payers' expense.资本主义体制牺牲纳税人的利益,从武器生产中牟取暴利。The reforms announced by the health minister aim to win back confidence in a system shaken by a major scandal.卫生部长宣布的改革措施旨在挽回人们对于一个因重大丑闻而发生动摇的体制的信心。He claims that their electoral system ensures fair representation of all parties.他声称他们的选举体制确保所有政党的公平参政。Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.他们的体制似乎是将强力政府与比例代表制这两种理想相结合了。In our system it is a given that all are equal before the law.在我们的体制中,法律面前人人平等是一个不争的事实。A one-party system is ultimately irreconcilable with popular debate.一党体制与大众辩论归根结底是难以相容的。Only those with vested interests in the current system could ignore the need for change.只有那些在当前的体制中有既得利益的人才会忽略改革的必要性。In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts.在一个公正的社会中,一定会有一套人们可以通过法庭寻求赔偿的体制Please don't interpret my remarks as support for the current system.请不要把我的讲话理解成对当前体制的支持。These youngsters know they have too much to lose by protesting against the system.这些年轻人知道,如果对体制提出抗议,他们只会得不偿失。There is growing public disillusionment with the present system of government.公众对于现行的政府体制越来越不抱幻想。All Italy's political parties have accepted that it is time to revamp the system.所有的意大利政党都已经承认现在是时候对体制进行改组了。With all its faults, democracy is still the best system we have.尽管有种种缺陷,民主仍然是我们最好的体制




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