例句 |
When a political columnist describes a cabinet minister in slavishly adoring terms, shouldn't we be told whether the two are pals?当一名政治专栏作家用大肆吹捧的语言描写某位内阁部长时,难道不该让我们知道这两个人是不是老相识吗?She made all the decisions, gave all the orders, and Ramón slavishly complied.她专权独断,爱发号施令,而拉蒙卑躬屈膝地顺从。What is the point of sticking slavishly to the rules?有必要死守那些规则吗?She slavishly copies the older girl's style.她盲目模仿那个比她年纪大些的女孩的风格。He slavishly copies everything his older brother does.他全盘照搬哥哥的所作所为。I followed the recipe slavishly.我严格按照那份食谱做饭。 |