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例句 The car simply eeled its way through town traffic.汽车简直像鳗鱼似地在城里的车辆行人中穿行。She fell apart completely, bawling like a baby.她肝肠寸断,婴孩似地大声号哭着。He lowered his head and keened his prayer.他垂下头哀泣似地念祷词。I've been working like a fool, but now I've had it.我一直像个傻瓜似地干着,我可受够了。Complaints snowed on the county magistrate.意见雪片似地向县长投来。The professor crammed the formulas down the students' throats.教授填鸭似地把公式灌输给学生。The car started with rheumatic wheezings.汽车像患了风湿病似地呼哧呼哧发动起来。The manager's position has become a revolving door.经理的岗位走马灯似地不断换人。A terrible pain knifed his body.一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的身体。As we approached the city, the spires of tall buildings uprose as if to greet us.我们行近城市时,高楼大厦的尖顶便像前来欢迎我们似地出现在我们面前。I used to follow him like a shadow.我过去总是像影子似地跟着他。He was always surgically neat in everything he did.他做什么一向都像外科医生似地利索。Her anger spilled out like lava.她的愤怒像火山爆发似地迸发出来。Photographers were swarming around the princess.摄影师们一窝蜂似地围在公主身边。Messages of congratulation came pouring in.各方贺电雪片似地飞来。When I said this, he started cackling like a madman.我说这话时,他像个疯子似地狂笑起来。I could see small silvery fish darting through the water.我可以看到银闪闪的小鱼在水里箭也似地穿梭游动。Letters of application descended on them like snowflakes.申请信件像雪片似地向他们飞来。He went at his breakfast as if he'd never eaten before.他像一辈子没吃过饭似地大啖早餐。The patriotic song conjured up the spirit of the forces.这首爱国歌曲像有魔力似地激起了军队的士气。After years of mainstream affiliation he is now flirting with rock.在多年从属于主流派之后,他如今玩儿似地搞起摇滚乐来了。He was running for dear life toward town.他逃命似地向城里飞跑。They know I am privy and watch me like a hawk.他们晓得我知情,便像鹰似地盯着我。Tall trees wall the broad avenue.高大的树木大墙似地排列在宽阔的林荫道旁。Telegraph wires radiate like cobwebs from the main building.电报线像蜘蛛网似地由主楼向四面八方伸展。Tomorrow the human hive would drone again.明天,人们又要像蜜蜂似地喧闹忙碌起来。The days before the wedding were a merry-go-round.举行婚礼前的那几天忙得像走马灯似地团团转。He was eating like there's no tomorrow.他机不可失似地贪婪地狼吞虎咽。He talked to me like a concerned older brother.他像一个关切的老大哥似地和我谈话。He was seen on TV delivering platitudes about the crisis in a monotone voice.人们看到他在电视上念经似地就危机问题老调重弹。She followed every word of her lover with mesmerized fascination.她着了迷似地倾听她情人的每一句话。The young people chatted away like old friends.那些年轻人像老朋友似地不停聊着。She breezed rather than walked into her office.她一阵轻风似地飘然进了办公室,而不是走着进去。A terrible pain knifed his chest.一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的胸部。Blood was pumping out of his belly like a fountain.血像喷泉似地从他的腹部涌出。He gave her nose a playful tweak.他玩儿似地拧一下她的鼻子。Don't talk like you got the simples!别像犯了傻似地说话!The mayor was bombarded with questions.人们向市长连珠砲似地提出许多问题。Long legs are scissoring down the street.两条长腿像一开一合的剪刀似地沿街走去。The sobs ebbed away like ruined echoes.呜咽声像消散的回声似地渐变微弱。




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