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词汇 伪造
例句 The immigration service is concerned about a thriving black market in phoney ID cards and working permits.移民局担心黑市伪造身份证和工作许可证的生意越来越畅旺。She faked her father's signature.伪造了她父亲的签名。The letter was a forgery.这封信是伪造的。The dinosaur bones turned out to be bogus.这些恐龙骨骼结果是伪造的。He was discovered living under an assumed identity in South America.他被发现以伪造的身份居住在南美洲。Arrington backdated his letter of intent and forged his father's signature.阿林顿在其意向书上写了个过往的日期,还伪造了他父亲的签名。The bank manager is said to have issued fake certificates.据说那个银行经理曾出具伪造的凭证。He believed diaries used in evidence were fakes.他认为作为证据的日记是伪造的。The bank manager is said to have issued fake certificates.据说那个银行经理出具了伪造的凭证。They clued us in on how to detect forged hallmarks.他们给我们提供了分辨伪造纯度印记的有用知识。The UFO picture was proved to be a fraud.不明飞行物图片被证实系伪造Marino obtained the drugs by forging his doctor's signature on a prescription.马里诺在处方上伪造医生签名获得药品。He hatched a plot to forge documents that would embarrass the company.他密谋伪造令公司难堪的文件。These banknotes are forgeries.这些钞票是伪造的。The evidence was completely bogus.证据完全是伪造的。The bastardly documents failed to deceive the judge.伪造的文件没能骗过法官。She alleged that Taylor had forged her signature on the form.她声称泰勒在表格上伪造了她的签名。Experts have determined that the signature was forged.专家确定签名是伪造的。The passports are obviously false: they'll never pass muster at Immigration.这些护照显然是伪造的:它们将无法通过移民局的检查。The certificate had clearly been falsified.这张证书很明显是伪造的。He dismissed the deeds as forgeries without even troubling to examine them.他认为这些契据是伪造的,甚至不屑仔细察看。They said, after digging around, the photo was a fake.他们说调查表明那张照片是伪造的。Customers who make bogus insurance claims will be dealt with severely.伪造保险索赔的顾客将受到严肃处理。The document is not considered genuine.这份文件被认为是伪造的。He faked a rare first edition.伪造了这部珍本书的原版本。Officials were accused of fabricating the evidence that was given at the trial.官员们被指控伪造呈堂证据。The business of counterfeiting appears to be expanding.假冒伪造业似乎正日益膨胀。She faked her father's signature on the cheque.她在支票上伪造了父亲的签名。It's not clear that the letter is legitimate ; it may be a forgery.这封信是不是真的还不清楚;也许是伪造的。The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.对他的指控包括诈骗、行贿和伪造商业记录。On closer inspection the notes proved to be forgeries.经进一步仔细查看,发现这些钞票是伪造的。Mason is a convicted forger from Rialto.梅森是里阿尔托人,因伪造被判有罪。He counterfeited the documents.伪造了这些文件。He entered the country using a forged passport.他用伪造的护照进入该国。The letter was a forgery.那封信是伪造的。The prison population numbers forgers and counterfeiters.监狱的囚犯中有假冒和伪造一类的骗子。The doctoring of the document has become a live political issue.对文件的篡改伪造已成为当下让人关注的政治问题。They used forged documents to leave the country.他们使用伪造的证明文件离开了这个国家。It is a crime to counterfeit money.伪造货币是犯罪行为。All must be real accounts, no fake accounts or suspended ones.所有的账目必须是真实的,没有伪造或暂停的账户。




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