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词汇 whenever
例句 He's usually left at the post whenever we go out walking on the hills.每回我们上山去,他常常一开始就落在很后面。The teacher welcomes originality whenever it is shown.这名老师总是乐于看到新的创意。I blush whenever I think about it.每当我想到这个就会脸红。You may leave whenever you wish.你想什么时候离开都行。You should come and talk to me whenever you have a problem.只要你有问题就应该来跟我说。I used to cringe with embarrassment whenever my name was read out.过去只要有人叫到我的名字,我就尴尬得想找个地缝钻进去。She exudes star power whenever she's on screen.她每次出现在屏幕上时都散发出明星的魅力。He becomes public enemy number one whenever the national team performs miserably.每当国家队表现糟糕的时候,他便成了头号罪人。I could not repress a shiver whenever I thought of him.我一想到他就禁不住一阵战栗。He held me personally responsible whenever anything went wrong in the project.任何时候只要项目出现问题,他都归咎到我个人身上。You have a standing invitation to stay with us whenever you are in Shanghai.不管你什么时候来上海,我们都请你来住。We have never really liked each other, but we observe the social amenities whenever we meet.我们从未真正喜欢过彼此,但不管何时见面,还都保持客客气气。We'll have lunch whenever you like.我们什么时候吃中饭随你高兴。I'm talking about last July or whenever it was you got back from India.我正在谈论你从印度回来的时间,去年七月还是其他什么时候。We are entering into dangerous waters whenever we discuss religion in public.每当我们公开讨论宗教时,就会陷入错综复杂的困境之中。The anti-virus icon should appear whenever you start up your computer.只要一开机就会有杀毒软件的图标出现。I get all mixed up over the money whenever I travel abroad.我每次出国旅行,在钱上面就彻底糊涂了。I noted her habit of looking at the floor whenever I asked her a question.我留意到她有个习惯,我每次问她问题时,她都看着地板。There is still a small hard core of football supporters who cause trouble whenever they can.仍然有一小撮顽固的足球迷只要一有机会就会制造事端。Reporters tend to circle the wagons whenever the media are attacked for bias.一旦有媒体因为偏见受到围攻,记者们就会集结起来,严阵以待。The tiger lashed its tail about whenever anyone came near its cage.每当有人走近笼子时老虎便急速甩动尾巴。I flick the radio on instinctively whenever I get into the car.我每次进到轿车里都会本能地打开收音机。In history, whenever the army forces conquered a new city, the result is invariably carnage.历史上,每当军队攻占一座城池,结果都是大屠杀。We started work in April or whenever.我们是在四月或别的什么时候开始工作的。He has a bodyguard with/near him whenever he goes out in public.他在公共场合出现时总有保镖跟随。Please come whenever it is convenient to you.方便的时候,请随时来。He enjoys taking pot shots at the government whenever the opportunity arises.一有机会他就对政府肆意批评。She always called at the vicarage whenever she was in the area.只要她在那一带,她总会去拜访教区牧师。Mom always seated me next to him whenever he stayed to supper.他每次留下来吃晚饭,妈妈总让我坐在他的旁边。He stopped her whenever she ventured to raise the subject.无论何时她大胆提起这个话题,他都把她打断。Deal with stress fast whenever it threatens to overwhelm you.感觉压力过大就要马上解决。Feel free to use my computer whenever you need to.你什么时候需要电脑,就随便用我的吧。Avoid processed foods whenever possible.尽量不要食用加工好的食品。She became very jealous whenever he talked to other women.只要他跟别的女人说话,她就非常吃醋。She's self-conscious whenever she has to give a speech.她每次演讲时都紧张。The children had a field day whenever George came to visit us.每次乔治来看望我们,孩子们总是欣喜万分。I get stage fright whenever I have to speak in front of a large group of people.每当要站在一大群人面前说话时,我就怯场。He felt a certain illness creep over him whenever anyone mentioned onion.不论谁一提到洋葱,他就浑身不爽。You can come tomorrow or whenever.你明天或别的任何时间都可以来。The older boys would torment him whenever they had the chance.那些较大的男孩子一有机会就捉弄他。




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