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词汇 admire
例句 Walk down Castle Street, admire our little jewel of a cathedral, then wonder at the castle.沿着城堡街走下去,欣赏我们视若珍宝的教堂,继而叹服于城堡的壮观。I admire her lightness/sureness of touch as a cook.我欣赏她做厨师的精细/踏实劲儿。We all admire her courage. = We all admire her for her courage. = She is much admired for her courage.我们都佩服她的勇气。What do you most admire about her?你最佩服她哪一点?I admire the way Sarah has brought up the children on her own.我佩服萨拉一个人把孩子抚养长大。I admire his grit.我佩服他的勇气。A crowd of young boys had gathered round to admire the car.一群小伙子围过来羡慕地看着这辆汽车。His was a rags-to-riches story and people admire that.他白手起家,人们对他都很钦佩。We wandered slowly onwards, pausing now and again to admire the view.我们慢慢地信步向前走去,不时停下来看看风景。In Nelson Mandela the people had a leader that they could respect and admire.纳尔逊·曼德拉具备民众所尊敬和爱戴的领导人的品质。I admire her creativeness. 我很欣赏她的创造力。I admire his gumption.我钦佩他的勇气。I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.我不得不为体操运动员扭曲身体摆出的各种姿势而赞叹。The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.设计师后退了几步以欣赏自己的手工作品。I cannot help but admire his courage.我不得不赞赏他的勇气。I admire your mother enormously.我非常敬佩你的母亲。We stopped at the top of the mountain to admire the view.我们在山顶上停下欣赏景色。We stopped at the entry to the church to admire the architecture.我们在教堂门口停下来,欣赏这座建筑。There are certain qualities in Orwell's prose that I greatly admire.奥威尔文笔中的一些特性我很欣赏。I couldn't help but admire his determination.我不禁对他的决心表示钦佩。I really admire people who can work in such difficult conditions.我实在是很钦佩那些能在如此艰苦的条件下工作的人。I admire his honesty and lack of pretension.我欣赏他诚实,不自大。One cannot but admire her determination.人们不能不佩服她的决心。You have to admire her staying power. No one else has managed to stick that job for more than a year!你不能不佩服她的耐力。那工作没有谁坚持得了一年以上的!I don't think he can possibly win, but you've got to admire his guts.我觉得他不可能赢,但你不得不佩服他的勇气。What I admire most about Lee is his patience.我最佩服李的地方是他的耐心。His supporters admire his decisiveness.他的支持者欣赏他的果决。Sal stood back to admire her work.萨尔退后几步欣赏她的作品。I, for one, admire his audacity.比如说,我就很钦佩他的胆识。I was content to admire the mountains from below.我喜欢从山底仰望山顶。He forgot to admire her new hat.他忘了称赞她的新帽子。He prefaced his criticisms by saying there was much to admire in the work.他开始批评这部作品之前先表示它有许多值得称赞之处。I admire her use of perspective in her paintings.我钦佩她绘画中所用的透视画法。You have to admire their dedication and commitment.你不得不佩服他们的尽心竭力。I admire his get-up-and-go attitude.我敬佩他的进取态度。He proudly held out his trophy for us to admire.他自豪地拿出他的奖杯让我们观赏。I admire your courage, however misguided.我佩服你的勇气,不管这勇气有多么的不应该。I so admire the gallantry with which she fought the disease.我非常敬佩她抗争病魔的勇气。Tell me whom you admire most.告诉我你最钦佩谁。I admire your courage.我佩服你的勇气。




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